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Fence test


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Which side of the fence?

If you ever wondered which side of the fence you sit on, this is a great test!

If a Republican doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.

If a Democrat doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a Republican is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.

If a Democrat is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned or

regulated for everyone.

If a Republican is homosexual, he leads his life.

If a Democrat is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.

If a Republican is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.

If a Democrat is down and out, he wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a Republican doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.

if a Democrat doesn't like a talk show host, he demands that he/she be taken off the air.

If a Republican is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.

If a Democrat is a non-believer, he wants any mention of God and

religion silenced.>

If a Republican needs health care, he shops for it, or finds a job that provides it.

If a Democrat needs health care, he demands that the rest of us provide it.

If a Republican reads this, he'll forward it so his friends can reflect on it.

If a Democrat gets it, he will delete it because he's "offended".

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That whole thing hides behind what we call a "false dichotomy". You present the assumption that there are only two possible choices and make one of them very unappealing. Anti-gun politicos do it all the time, like when they say 'assault rifles should be in the hands of our military, not in the hands of street gangs'. Not a good way to present your argument, especially if you value having any credibility as unbiased.

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Gump, there's nothing accurate about that at all.

I'm friends with many Democrats, being a lifelong Democrat myself.

I know no Democrats who don't like guns that wants all guns outlawed. I know of no Democrat in office who wants all guns outlawed.

I know of no vegetarian Democrat who wants all meat products banned. Some want regulation, certainly, when it comes to the treatment of animals. But I've never seen a reasonable Democrat, and certainly not someone in office, attempt to ban all meat products.

I know of no gay Democrat who wants legislated respect. Unless, of course, by "legislated respect," we mean "equal rights," in which case, it's probably true.

Democrats aren't trying to get you to respect gays. They just want everyone to have equal protection under the law, even if they have butt sex.

When I was down and out, I worked my way out of it. Many people do, both Democrat and Republican. It's a myth that only Republicans work hard.

Democrats aren't demanding that Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity be taken off the air.

Democrats don't want any mention of God or religion be silenced. We just want people to be able to worship as they see fit, rather than be compelled to worship. Democrats are not trying to ban personal prayer, mentions of God, etc.

Demcrats who want national health care aren't doing it because they need it, they're doing it because other people need it. And because it makes sense. And because every other freaking country in the world has it, and it works better than our own system, and a lower cost.

It's not just bullshit, but it's poorly worded, unsubstantiated, intentionally inflammatory bullshit.

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Gump, there's nothing accurate about that at all.

I'm friends with many Democrats, being a lifelong Democrat myself.

I know no Democrats who don't like guns that wants all guns outlawed. I know of no Democrat in office who wants all guns outlawed.

I know of no vegetarian Democrat who wants all meat products banned. Some want regulation, certainly, when it comes to the treatment of animals. But I've never seen a reasonable Democrat, and certainly not someone in office, attempt to ban all meat products.

I know of no gay Democrat who wants legislated respect. Unless, of course, by "legislated respect," we mean "equal rights," in which case, it's probably true.

Democrats aren't trying to get you to respect gays. They just want everyone to have equal protection under the law, even if they have butt sex.

When I was down and out, I worked my way out of it. Many people do, both Democrat and Republican. It's a myth that only Republicans work hard.

Democrats aren't demanding that Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity be taken off the air.

Democrats don't want any mention of God or religion be silenced. We just want people to be able to worship as they see fit, rather than be compelled to worship. Democrats are not trying to ban personal prayer, mentions of God, etc.

Demcrats who want national health care aren't doing it because they need it, they're doing it because other people need it. And because it makes sense. And because every other freaking country in the world has it, and it works better than our own system, and a lower cost.

It's not just bullshit, but it's poorly worded, unsubstantiated, intentionally inflammatory bullshit.


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I feel obligated to speak up against the Gay marriage one.

They are not vying for "legislated respect", they want equal rights.

I feel ya. If the police and military can own it, I should be able also. Equal rights for all! :)

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you lost all credibility when you said you were a democrat....


I don't know if you've paid attention to the current political climate. It's not the Democrats who currently have the credibility issues.

Cg, mayor bloomburg wants private gun ownership banned.


Mayor Bloomberg is a Republican. At least was, until he ran as an Independent. But he's certainly no Democrat.

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I've never been big into politics, so there is a lot I don't understand... Why do we need a label on our views, anyways? Instead of saying "I'm a Democrat/Republican", why can't we just say "I stand for freedom of X, pro-Y, and anti-Z?" I suppose that when I look at the parties, none of them completely match up with my personal views, which is why I don't identify myself with them. It's too bad "independent" isn't a more viable "party", then I would actually vote for someone other than Mickey Mouse each election...

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