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Never Forget


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I still remember where I was when this happened...and the sick feeling I felt because of it.

To all those lost that day, and since throughout the years...I will never forget!

I hear ya.....not sure how anyone could forget. And the repercussions continue to this day.

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I was in 6th grade and I can remember what class I was in and everything. My girlfriend always remembers it as a quiet pretty day after school with no planes flying except the fighter jets that flew over her house at high speed, more than likely heading from Wright Pat. and a general feeling of fear.

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This is an actual conversation between my son and I this morning. My son asked me this morning; "Is it September 11th today?"


"Today is a special day..."

"Yes. Before you were born, 11 years ago, terrorists crashed commercial jets full of people into the World Trade Center, Pentagon. One plane full of heroes thwarted a fourth attack by crashing into to a field in Pennsylvania. About 3000 people died. in all. We remember it as Patriot Day."

"No, I mean it's chocolate pudding day at school today."

So, I failed as a parent. I'm going to fix that after school. How depressing is it that the kids of today who weren't born yet will never understand what it was like to live through it? I know several people who were there, and a friend of my wife's was killed. A work colleague of mine visiting from our New York office was stranded in Ohio for a week - took him days to reach his family and find out they were all ok.

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It was the day many of us got a shock to the system. I remember I was at work and everyone was in the conference room watching the tv after the first jet hit. I wasn't able to bring myself to believe it could be anything more than an accident, but of course then the second jet hit. A bit of my naiveté died that day and over the next few as the news continued.

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Never forget that there were more than 2 buildings destroyed on that day in a series of controlled demolitions. Building 7 was never hit by a plane.


http://video.cpt12.org/video/2270078138 (commercials end at 2 minutes in)

Edited by alienpi
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