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Any plumbers on this board???


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Well my wonderful neighbor knocked on my door today and informed me that the pipe that goes to my sump pump has come disconnected just outside my siding. The pipe that goes in the ground has sunk in and I can't pull it out enough to reseal it. Soooo, does anyone have any expertise in this area? And if you do does this need to be taken care of like this w/e or can I wait to fix it when it's let say over 40 degrees outside. lol. I live in pataskala/reynoldsburg area so if anyone knows of a reputable plumber (I think that's who I need to call) please let me know. This is one service i haven't had to research before.

Any information would be GREATLY appreciated.



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I am a pipe fitter. This job is deff a do it yourself job. Dig up the pipe and find a good peice to hook onto. Most likely its a 2" Pvc pipe and has froze and broke. Once you know the size go to home depot buy a stick of that size pipe and buy ferncos(rubber peices about 4" long with 2 bands on them) Cut the bad peice out with hack saw and fit new pipe in and tighten ferncos. If there are bends in it you can also buy them at the depot,but you will need to buy the pvc cleaner and glue kit. Extreamly easy to do!

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Thanks everyone. I am a versatile girl and can usually do this stuff if someone walks me through it. Plus, i always LUV to learn. I'm gonna try the do it yourself method after church today and if that fails I can always rely on angrish. got the PM. Once again, I will continue to keep your entire family in my prayers and I will have some of my church family continue to pray as well. HAPPY RESURRECTION SUNDAY EVERYONE!!!!

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