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Obama To Transfer The Blind Sheik!!


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This sure doesn’t look good for Obama. First the Muslim Brotherhood come to visit the White House. Then the White House hosts a member of a known terrorist group – both visitors are asking for the release of the Blind Sheik. Is the Obama administration considering their request?


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Ah yes, the NY Post. Wake me up when it's on the BBC or Al-Jazeera.

Rahman's lucky he got caught and sentenced when the rule of law and habeas corpus were still practiced by the US Government towards foreign "enemy combatants". His ass would have never seen the bullet coming in this political climate.

Either way, Egypt's not getting him and Morsi knows it. The US isn't as weak-willed and naive as England was when it forked over the Lockerbie bomber to Libya. This is a calculation to make it appear as the US is carefully considering Egypt's proposal so we don't look like we immediately laughed in their faces, which I pretty much guarantee the guys at State did once they got that request in.

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thats fucking hilarious, inspired to make my own now... anyone wanna collaborate?

BLR kinda has this thing cornered.




Edited by magley64
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Why do you guys hijack threads?

Oh, it was also on CNN last night so...

It's not about Barack the President, it's about Barack the man.

funny, I watched a documentary about Barack Obama the woman, turns out she will hit on your man when you're not around...she cannot be trusted.

He's not our friend.

He's not your friend, you have no idea whether he's my friend, but what does that have to do with whether he should continue to be president?

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Why do you guys hijack threads?

Oh, it was also on CNN last night so...

It's not about Barack the President, it's about Barack the man. He's not our friend.

You have zero credibility for one reason... You took rumors from right-leaning websites and then came to the conclusion that they were true and set your thread title to indicate that this is an absolute fact.

Just another example of a politically prejudiced person perfectly willing to say things that are not true in order to try to influence opinions to match your own.

Who cares about truth? Not you, apparently.

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Geez, I didn't mean to start World War III here guys. I simply asked why people hijack threads.

It's not about Barack the President - Ok, so domestically we're a still a mess. Not his fault but oh well. I don't know anyone can fix it in four years. It took ten or more for it to build up and collapse. It can't be fixed in four. So he didn't create jobs. Just exactly how does anyone just create a job? You can't. You can create work, but not a job.

It's about Barack the man - You can't say it's false anymore than I can say it's true. It hasn't occurred so how does anybody know? And, now that this is out it probably won't so we'll never know. Once the self proclaimed Communist Van Jones was outed he was out of the White House quicker than snot.

I just simply don't believe this President truly has America's best interest in mind when it comes to America on the world stage. He went on the Apology tour, he's a wuss when it comes to the radicals, he's had the leader of the muslim Brotherhood in the Whitehouse, and he's kissing the butts of the Iranian, Egyptian, and Libyan leaders. I believe this man will do more damage globally than any President before him.

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Can you prove it false? I copy/pasted that from the website in that link.

Look, I didn't come here to argue with anybody. I posted a link to a story I thought was interesting and thought others might find it interesting too. I may not agree with, find as interesting or humorous, or find worthy of alot of things posted here such as your mushroom video (which BTW I thought it was funny, but I made no comment of it). At the same time I don't jump all over people's case for it.

You could have chosen to read it and make of it what you will or ignore it completely - it makes no matter to me, yet YOU chose to jump my shit for it and make it an issue.

I'm done with this. If I offended you or anyone else here I sincerly apologize. Good day to you sir.


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Can you prove it false? I copy/pasted that from the website in that link.

Look, I didn't come here to argue with anybody. I posted a link to a story I thought was interesting and thought others might find it interesting too. I may not agree with, find as interesting or humorous, or find worthy of alot of things posted here such as your mushroom video (which BTW I thought it was funny, but I made no comment of it). At the same time I don't jump all over people's case for it.

You could have chosen to read it and make of it what you will or ignore it completely - it makes no matter to me, yet YOU chose to jump my shit for it and make it an issue.

I'm done with this. If I offended you or anyone else here I sincerly apologize. Good day to you sir.


Please, piss off with your righteous indignation. The statement that you made was false, the sources that you linked never at any point said that Obama was releasing Rahman. You're asking us to prove a negative, which is further burying your argument. Then you double-down on the derp by making pseudo-intellectual statements about Obama the Man then get pissy when you receive a response that directly challenges the "facts" and assertions you posted here. If you can't take a political discussion, don't start one to begin with.

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Please, piss off with your righteous indignation. The statement that you made was false, the sources that you linked never at any point said that Obama was releasing Rahman. You're asking us to prove a negative, which is further burying your argument. Then you double-down on the derp by making pseudo-intellectual statements about Obama the Man then get pissy when you receive a response that directly challenges the "facts" and assertions you posted here. If you can't take a political discussion, don't start one to begin with.

^^ This

+rep to you sir

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Ah, that's it. Looked to me like Obama was introducing people to the man following him - using a flat palm rather than a pointed finger out of politeness. I guess some people mistook that as a series of rebuffed handshake of something?

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Why do you guys hijack threads?

Oh, it was also on CNN last night so...

It's not about Barack the President, it's about Barack the man. He's not our friend.

J there are a handful of folks on this sight who are way out there on the lunatic fringe.......... beyond the typical left wing extremist. They dont argue facts. They reject reality but like typical liberals, they insult, make fun or make light of whatever you post. They believe all the crap the left wing media shovels out of the stall and ignore the reality of the economics around them. In short, they are fine with sacrificing all freedoms and liberties if it means they can punish those who have been successful. They cant stand the idea that someone should profit from his hard work and ideas because they have never been smart enough or energetic enough to achieve anything. If they have to embrace muslim extremism..... they will. If they have to embrace socialism or communism..... they will. Its not worth arguing with them. You cant convince someone of something, even with facts when their objectives conflict with your own. Maybe someday when their freedoms are gone, the reality may hit them but most likely they will be dead and gone and their children and grandchildren will have to suffer under the oppressive rule of an out of control government. In short, when these few lunatics show up in a thread and start flinging their own feces around, walk away and let them fling it at each other.

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