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who has a Boston Terrier


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I wanted an english bulldog but laughed at the price as well. Opted for an english bulldog/beagle mix and they are freaking awesome dogs. My first experience with the bulldog bread and I love them. Next dog will be an American Bulldog or Bull Mastiff.

So my input is go with a Frenchy they are similar to the boston.

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Look on the AKC website. Every dog has certain tendencies. Make sure you are honest with yourself. You can't run off for weekend trips without thinking about the dog. You can't leave her at home all day on Saturday when they've been alone all week while you work.

For me, a small dog is not my type. Napoleon complexes and too yappy. I like them big a dumb...like Zach's suggested English Mastiff.

Also checking on the AKC website or google search will tell you their genetic problems. i.e. pugs and bostons have higher than average respiratory problems and eye health issues. English bulldogs have to have their wrinkles cleaned with qtips every week otherwise will develop infections. I have a Rott and a Dobe. Rotts are thick headed, stubborn and have hip issues. I just paid $4k to repair her torn ACL. We;ve had rescued retired greyhounds off the track. We've spent thousands on vet bills over the 10+ years, fostered over 7 rescue dogs, and have been owned by 6 dogs at various times.

We stopped when we had 2 kids because of the time, $, and kids safety. Just got to do research and go meet some.

If you are set on a specific breed but want the feel good affect of getting from a shelter, do searches on rescue groups.


there is a pug resuce listed at that site.

Good luck

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Mine did a lot of chewing - they like people, like to be active. Keep them moving, they're fine. My wife had a Bichon, and our Yorkichon are both three times as bad. I'd take my Boston a hundred times over. They're not terrible, but don't expect a Basset Hound either. Once they get the terrier out of their system, they're fine. by 18 months, mine was about as mellow as any dog I've met.

I really think they're about the best dog I've come in contact with - I'm not a "big dog" guy, so there's not really any interest on my part for a 100 pound mate for life. Bostons are great little guys - very good for a smaller space, but do fine in a larger space too. I didn't have kids when I had mine, but he did great with all sorts of people.

Side note, I had mine trained when I was at OSU. I could take him to the edge of the Oval, drop the leash and he'd run off. I'd give him about 5 minutes, then start calling him. He'd bark. I'd follow his bark, and find him. Sounds dumb, right? Well he was trained to run to the blanket full of the hottest girls on the Oval and plop down in the middle of it. He'd get steak on the grille that night if he did.

That dog ate a lot of steak.

Intriguing. As a puppy it sounds awfully similar to my parents dog which IMO is a nightmare. I do however think A LOT of that is contributed to the fact my parents baby the shit out of that dog and they let her get her way all the time. When I'm around, I don't cater to her like they do and I think she rebels on me cause of it

I love bigger dogs like labs and retrievers however my house is just too tight for a big dog so I don't mind the smaller dog as long as its bad ass like a Boston, English or frenchy. I cannot handle those purse dogs and yappy hairy little shits

I guess it being active isn't awful, it would get me to be less lazy. The timing isn't exactly my favorite as I'd rather wait until next summer when the woman isn't working (teacher). Otherwise, I'd end up bringing the pup to the office all the time if it could relax and not get into everything and be a pain in the ass

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Not many English or French Bulldogs end up available at an adoption center but you may find a few Bostons or Boston mix.

All 3 have a number of common health issues, the bulldogs worse than the terriers.

I would definitely avoid $500 dogs. These will be puppy mill dogs or poor backyard breeders. The chance of a serious health or mental issue greatly increases. You are likely to pay for it in vet bills. The bulldogs are expensive because they are hard to raise. They have small litters and nearly always require c-section for birth. And good breeders will be careful to avoid known health problems. $3-5k is what it will cost from a good breeder for either Bulldog.

We went with a purebreed puppy (Westie) most at my wife insistence but my preference would be from a rescue. Most rescue organizations will foster dogs in homes and have some idea of temperament. They should work to match the dog with the family. Some ofcourse go overboard and require extensive interviews and checks on prospective adopters.

Good luck, a dog will change your life, kind of a lite version of how a child does. :)


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The ex had one. She was a good bitch...you can decide which one I'm talking about. I liked the breed And agreed with what was mentioned above. They are a pretty low shedding breed.

I currently have a soft coated Wheaton terroir. He is by far the best dog I have ever been around. I have met several others and they all have the same temperament. They don't shed, very smart, easy to train (3 days to potty train), and they don't bark much. If you look in my albums you'll see him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

well over the weekend we have decided to wait until next summer when she isn't teaching and can be home to care for it better. Also thanks to conn-e-rott also considering a french bulldog too

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My friend Josh has both - the french bulldog is quite a bit more laid back than the Boston... I guess it depends what you're looking for. Bostons will play if you want them to, the french bull kind of looks like you like you're nuts if you try.

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