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Squid fest gets busted, riders flee then play the victim


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I can't believe they made it to 10th annual. I've seen them online doing this for years and hate what they represent. I see them shutting down I-70 out there just to stunt while traffic is backed up for a long time just WISHING another asshole would just start driving right through them.

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They say every year its the last one. I'm all for having fun and stunting on a sport bike, but certainly not on public roads, and certainly not in that much of a crowd. Just gives people on sport bikes a bad rap

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That link and similar ones have been posted on several forums around here (Cinti) for a week or two. I got no love of squids/jackasses who do sheit like that on a public roadway and piss off the cagers and police. We have enough trouble with public image and high-profile police scrutiny as it is without inviting more.

No way would I take part in an event like that. And NOT because of the interaction with the police. That is pretty much the antithesis of how most MCists want to be viewed by the caging public. A ride like that isn't any different than those truly stupid poker runs populated with drunken pirates who can't ride sober! You're way more likely to be taken down by some squid/bozo who's operating his bike barely above the level of drooling mouth-breather than a LEO making a pit manuever. Looks like it's being organized and led by a few complete idiots, with the majority of "regular" riders tagging along and acting the fool because of mob mentality.

I'm not a big fan of group rides with more than 4-5 riders, mostly because any group larger than that creates problems of flow and consistency with individual riding style/speed. Here is a great example of why you don't want to be part of this:


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^^This and then some! Looked like a warzone with all of the dead bikes and unconscious bodies laying around - people slaloming through like they're just a bunch of roadcones?

Surely an act of idiocy started that crazily dumbassed domino effect

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Riding in that big of a group it wouldn't take an idiot to set it off, hell a small stone on the road causing someone to merge unexpectedly could be the culprit.

The follow up accidents probably didn't even stem from the initial wreck, but from the group unexpectedly slowing and the way the sun was hitting the rear of bikes(making brake lights difficult to see).

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They say every year its the last one. I'm all for having fun and stunting on a sport bike, but certainly not on public roads, and certainly not in that much of a crowd. Just gives people on sport bikes a bad rap

sent from my galaxy s 3 using tapatalk

There were a few cruisers in there also.

I really like the bike that comes on the screen in the first video on the exit ramp. It appears to be modded for stunting and has no rear fender, license plate or brake light. (at least not that I saw). That's always good for a group ride.

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