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So I come home from grocery shopping last night around 9:30pm to find CPD and a block watch person on the side of my house and a stolen quad. Apparantly some youths in the area cut a certain hole in a certain fence of a dealership in the Cleveland Avenue/Morse Road area and made off with 2 to 4 quads, 2 of which wound up on my street. Interesting. Here we go again!!!

Edited by Kennyb357
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Yes please tell me more! Did they just find one quad, did they catch the kids? And if kids in the same area as the shop, where have they been hiding them since July? And it's weird that this happened sat. night, just cause a Detective sent me a post card, marked Sep. 25th to contact him regarding a stolen ATV? So far all I've got was his v/mail. Kinda funny if it shows up near the end of riding season. Anyway I hope they catch them and toss em in jail of Juvenile detention center, depending on age.

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Quick, no, I think they actually stole them Saturday night, not stashed since yours got taken. I COULD be wrong on that, but that's the way I understood it from the police, that they were taken that night. They had 2 of them on my street, I think that may have been it. Of course the kids got away, apparantly they saw the block watch truck and took off. I did see a CPD wrecker come and haul them away!! I have the block watch guys card and number at home if you want to call him, let me know, I'll PM it to you. kb

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