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I-480 Westbound SV Retard


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Every once in a while, we cross paths with a fucktard on a bike that goes out of their way to give the rest of us a bad name. And while I get that sitting in afternoon rush hour traffic on 480 sucks, blowing down the emergency lane, then giving the finger to folks in traffic who aren't expecting someone to try and merge over from a lane no one should be travelling in gives me a momentary understanding why some folks hate bikers. Granted, guys like your dumb ass on your little yellow SV650 are one half of one percent of all riders, it still takes just one of you stupid bastards to cast a bad name on us all. Then, once you are over, ya sit in the passing lane 5-10 miles an hour slower than the rest of traffic, forcing folks to pass you on the right, and wobbling all over while you rest your throttle hand by reaching over with your left. You, chucklehead, have earned the the title of full retard for today, Friday, October 12th. I hope you make it home, not so much for your own sake, but in consideration of the conscious of the poor unsuspecting soul that might accidentally run your stupid ass over because you were showing said ass with your lack of riding skill and decorum.


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