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My brother and I went out the first weekend. He got a doe by 9:30 the first morning and I got a doe on the 2nd day around 5pm. I passed up on a small 7 & 8 point along with about 4 other does. Was too early in season and not worth taking something with a small rack.

My brother got about a 130 class 7 point this morning. Would have been a 150 class 8pt, but he already broke off the left G2 fighting. :nono:

So far I would agree with Rusty on times though. Prime mornings have been 6-10am, then starts up again around 4:30-7pm.

Edited by SJC1000rr
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Bucks usually move early morning and just before dusk.

Unless spooked.

The does tend to move more during the day.

I usually hit the stands before first light until lunch. Head to the cabin for a long lunch then back out until dark.

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