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CR17 Kershocton

Unk Greg

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Out cruisin' ran some of Fall outing backwards and a few bits more .... left uphill from Roscoe and caught CR17 towards SR60 and Warsaw.....see two beaver dams built. Right up next to the road in ditches.....get yer pics before county engineer digs 'em up (again).

Warmer this morning than it got all day yesterday....Whit's anyone?

There 's an idea....the Whit's Run....cruise Johnstown Whits to Coshocton and then to Granville.

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Out cruisin' ran some of Fall outing backwards and a few bits more .... left uphill from Roscoe and caught CR17 towards SR60 and Warsaw.....see two beaver dams built. Right up next to the road in ditches.....get yer pics before county engineer digs 'em up (again).

Warmer this morning than it got all day yesterday....Whit's anyone?

There 's an idea....the Whit's Run....cruise Johnstown Whits to Coshocton and then to Granville.

did i see you on 62 yesterday on a scooter?

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Coulda very well have been....took some of the toys out for a spin. Can't ignore them too long or they get cranky....on 62 to 520...ran scoot down 520 a bit. SV and BB...then the yeller cruiser. I head out in different directions each time.

Today out two times several hrs each. Knox, Coshocton, Holmes, Wayne and maybe Tusc...

Looked too cloudy over by Loudonville so swung south on 60 and headed home before rain. No rain yet, but dark....and that means deer running.....home safe and sound!

Edited by littlecarbsbigsmiles
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Coulda very well have been....took some of the toys out for a spin. Can't ignore them too long or they get cranky....on 62 to 520...ran scoot down 520 a bit. SV and BB...then the yeller cruiser. I head out in different directions each time.

Today out two times several hrs each. Knox, Coshocton, Holmes, Wayne and maybe Tusc...

Looked too cloudy over by Loudonville so swung south on 60 and headed home before rain. No rain yet, but dark....and that means deer running.....home safe and sound!

I was on my wife vstar and was wearing a hiviz yellow jacket, I waved aand you waved back if that was you

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BLOG: Sub-heading...Woodland creatures. Layered up on ride home this AM...suppose ta be 46°…feels a tad cooler...fingers are cold. Stopped in Danville...30 minutes to go what 18 miles? So thru Gambier and all the live lawn ornament deer...I think they are pets....okay, but then on Amity Rd. I pop over a rise and come upon a woodland creature union meeting of some kind - 3 deer and a racoon standing out on the road....the racoon hit it to the drain pipe under the road...the deer stood and stared at me....blip the UP obnoxious pipes and they slowly walked away....one stopped on the bank and stared at me....uhmm, when is rutting season? I mean ... do chrome handle bars look like antlers?

Tried typing this in Danville, but fingers wouldn't work and some how message disappeared....so belated blog from home. So if this shows up twice...it ain' t my fault...it is the ________ phone.

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Nah...not that time. Blue and noisy...yellow next day. This morning back to blue...and 65°...nice ride...no deer spotted...just one yesterday sprinting across in front of me....no so bad as the gray gran am that tucked in behind me....hard braking to let deer pass...I see one headlite in both mirrors....i waved him by...let him pick off the furry critters.

Edited by littlecarbsbigsmiles
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Survived the week and commutes....looking at a Sunday ride....Fri. & Sat. am occuppied. So come Sunday...opening garage door...looking at sky and deciding yay or nay.....wife picking the direction. The phone calls...uh, phone was left a coupla days....Sunday....call me again, okay. I left messages...your turn! Phoe tag yur it!!!

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More blogs....rain soaked mornings.....but it was warm. So far this week...braved the chip and sealed Howard to Danville Rd. Watched with interest the lil' stones coming up from the front tire in the headlite...akso hearing the tic tic of them wee stones...along with the patter of drops on the helmet. Creature count...two lil' possums, that elected to dart back into dark than try to cross. One carcass of something hit....missed the racoon up the road a bit later....and Amity Rd. had three deer admiring the SV from a bank.....musta been the music of the pipes.

Found that I need new boots....mine are letting water in .... ever so slightly.

Today looks absolutely great! On my crusade to be out everyday this week AND looks like I'm not the only one!

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Continuing diary....trip home this AM alot cooler than I expected. Pulled up in Danville and dug out more layers from backpack. Fortune smiled on me....an oil gathering semi-tanker pulls up and heads east on 62. Cool!! You all say Wha?. Yep...i ran along behind him....wind break and more importantly..deer crusher. He flushed out 3 and made my predawn ride less eventful.

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This afternoon....momma unit says she'll ride along....neighbor girl pulls up....so I chuckle as I follow along two pretty in pink cruiser girls. Left them at Danville...they return home and I top off on gas....talk with a couple filling up and now have more company and a guy from work pulls in as well, but he is heading home....the other two peel off a few miles later...and I ride up on two more.....and settle in behind. We eventually part ways and I go the remaining coupla blocks alone. Then this morning...left 3:30AM....and chanced upon that same semi from yesterday's morning ride. This time I went out and around. Just past Apple Valley on SR36...i'll hafta look at the back tire...hard braking and squalling sound...but no deer hit...good sized buck too.

Nice ride...cool, but not so bad. Something dark laying in road...missed it....something dark in the road again.....hit it....this one felt hard. So will look at front tire now too. Home and heat from muffler felt good.

Oh I did strafe Spearman's at Millwood that afternoon...only saw 2 Harleys...no Squarehead beemer.

So the deer out numbered the days I rode this week. Afternoon was good riding...saw lotsa folks out. The early AM runs back home not so much fun, but still smiled.

Edited by littlecarbsbigsmiles
acursed droid and adding lettrs and/or words!
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