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Tues and Thurs (11/13 & 11/15)


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Okay, so I've posted like 5 events in the past weekend. So what? :postwhore:

I've got Tuesday and Thursday both off. Both days are looking good clear-and-sunny-wise, but Tuesday is forecasted a bit colder. Doesn't matter to me.

But, if anybody would want to meet up and ride I'd be completely up for it. I'll more than likely be scoping out some new roads at Caesar's Creek. (Yesterday's ride out from Troy got me wondering on what else I could find.)

Figured I'd post it up early for anybody that would want to make plans! :p

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If you don't get any takers on hooning it around CC area, think about rolling south and I'll meet you somewhere in Cinti and we can ride a few of the NKY roads. Lemeno.

Sounds good to me. Obviously preferred a little closer to home, BUT hell if I'm going to say no to learning some new roads.

I've got literally all day both days. When are you available?

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Sounds good to me. Obviously preferred a little closer to home, BUT hell if I'm going to say no to learning some new roads.

I've got literally all day both days. When are you available?

Tues is gonna be pretty brutal for super-slabbing to Cinti. Morning low in the mid-20s and a high only in the mid-40s. Let's see how Thur looks (as of now = 30s-50s and sunny) and connect on Wed to set up a meet. I'm under-employed--life is good--so any time after about 10ish works for me! I'll see if any other Cinti riders are interested; feel free to bring other riders along from your neck of the woods.

Ciao--Bill @ 513-5nine8-8ninenine2

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Tues is gonna be pretty brutal for super-slabbing to Cinti. Morning low in the mid-20s and a high only in the mid-40s. Let's see how Thur looks (as of now = 30s-50s and sunny) and connect on Wed to set up a meet. I'm under-employed--life is good--so any time after about 10ish works for me! I'll see if any other Cinti riders are interested; feel free to bring other riders along from your neck of the woods.

Ciao--Bill @ 513-5nine8-8ninenine2

Sounds fine to me. Thurs DOES look marginally better. I'll probably scope out Caesar's tomorrow!

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Will do, sir! At least you get the weekends, unlike stupid high school jobs.

With Best Buy there is no consistency in my schedule at all. :nono:

I dont get EVERY weekend off, still have to pull one once a month. But nothing like your schedule. Once you finish your education and get into computer sciences - you will have a better life!

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I'll put some time into working up a route. We can hit everything from single lane goat paths that wander along hilltops and down along streambeds to smooth fast twisties....or a combination of both. What's yer pleasure? And how many miles/hours do want to shoot for (i.e., distance/time from our meet-up in Cinti, NOT including your commute from the Great White North). Lemeno.

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I'll put some time into working up a route. We can hit everything from single lane goat paths that wander along hilltops and down along streambeds to smooth fast twisties....or a combination of both. What's yer pleasure? And how many miles/hours do want to shoot for (i.e., distance/time from our meet-up in Cinti, NOT including your commute from the Great White North). Lemeno.

Well, I do love me some twisties and good views both. So just set up something nice to tear up. Having a good spot to stop and take pictures every once in a while isn't bad at all, though!

And I'll probably be down in the Cinci area (or could be) by like 12, and I only need to be back home by 6. I love all-day rides, so you can choose the hours haha.

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I might be interested in joining you on the thursday excursion! Bubba, let me know the plan!

No way, Dude! It's a secret;)...just me and Bitani. :rolleyes:

Nothing carved in stone yet. Gonna settle on a meetup time/place tonight, and then either I or Bitani will post up details. If yer coming south on 75, you might want to hook up with him for the run south. PM him for his tel #.

As it stands now, he's gonna plan on getting here noon-ish and we'll meet at a local McDs for a warm-up coffee and maybe lunch, then head out for what should be about a 4-4.5 hour ride, not including stops. Guessing about 160 mile loop, not including your cruise time from parts north. There will be gas available at the start and several places along the way, but you should have at least an 80-100 mile range due to the rural nature of the route. Roads will be everything from smooth 2-lane to rural goat paths. On the route, there WILL BE: bad pavement, gravel, lousy cagers, blind corners, lots of elevation changes, small to medium size wild/domestic animals, meth heads, zombies, and perhaps the occasional banjo. :eek:

If yer still interested, check back here later today.

Edited by Bubba
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No way, Dude! It's a secret;)...just me and Bitani. :rolleyes:

Nothing carved in stone yet. Gonna settle on a meetup time/place tonight, and then either I or Bitani will post up details. If yer coming south on 75, you might want to hook up with him for the run south. PM him for his tel #.

As it stands now, he's gonna plan on getting here noon-ish and we'll meet at a local McDs for a warm-up coffee and maybe lunch, then head out for what should be about a 4-4.5 hour ride, not including stops. Guessing about 160 mile loop, not including stops and your cruise time from parts north. There will be gas available at the start and several places along the way, but you should have at least an 80-100 mile range due to the rural nature of the route. Roads will be everything from smooth 2-lane to rural goat paths. On the route, there WILL BE: bad pavement, gravel, lousy cagers, blind corners, lots of elevation changes, small to medium size wild/domestic animals, meth heads, zombies, and perhaps the occasional banjo. :eek:

If yer still interested, check back here later today.

Sounds like a plan to me. I'll respond to your PM obviously, haha.

Love me some zombies and meth heads!

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Sounds really good. Bitani, if we can get out a little earlier, that would be awesome. Give us more time in the daylight -- it gets dark out early these days! If we start down there at noon, ride 5 hours, our ride back will be at least partially in the dark.

We could go either west or east to make that (early) part of the ride a lil more interesting. The 75 slab just sux, there's nothing to recommend it, except when you've just gotta be somewhere in a hurry. Like getting home in the friggin dark...

I'll be on the 9-fitty. Winter bike. Good for gravel, banjos, whatever ails ya!

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Sounds really good. Bitani, if we can get out a little earlier, that would be awesome. Give us more time in the daylight -- it gets dark out early these days! If we start down there at noon, ride 5 hours, our ride back will be at least partially in the dark.

We could go either west or east to make that (early) part of the ride a lil more interesting. The 75 slab just sux, there's nothing to recommend it, except when you've just gotta be somewhere in a hurry. Like getting home in the friggin dark...

I'll be on the 9-fitty. Winter bike. Good for gravel, banjos, whatever ails ya!

I would, but unfortunately have some school stuff to deal with until 11:00 AM. Otherwise, I'd be all in for earlier.

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I'm gonna say that the easiest place to meet would over in NKY. I'm in the farthest corner of SW OH, so out of the way for you to come to me. Go south on I-75 thru town and across the river into KY and take I-275East to the 1st exit--Dixie Hwy. Turn right from the exit ramp and go 4 lights to the McDs: 3050 Dixie Highway, Edgewood, KY 41018. It'll be on your right immediately after the Shell station.

You'll have to figger out what kind'a time you need to make the run from Dayton and let me know. I can meet anytime from noon on. I've run this route in 4 hours before, but if we take longer than anticipated due to stops for pix, there's plenty of opportunity to jump on 75 and slab it north if you need to split for darkness. I'm not a big fan of the X-way in the dark, either.

Talk to you tonight.

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Bubba, I'd rather come to you anyway, stay away from downtown.

Downtown Cinti shouldn't be bad mid-day, and going back north at 5-ish won't be too crazy until you get to the northern connector with I-275 in Sharonville. With the limited amount of daylight, adding an extra 40-50 miles to your trip doesn't make a lot of sense. Even if we meet here, we still gotta head downtown and cross the river to get to the goodness, or take Anderson Ferry, which is a nice alternative but adds still more time to the ride.

That being said, if you want to meet here, post up and I'll PM you my addy. I'll prolly have to make some cuts to the route to get y'all back home in time for beddy-bye. Lemeno.

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Northern KY Ride--Thursday, Nov 15 at 11:30 AM, Edgewood, KY

Alright boys 'n girls, here's the plan. Meet up is at 11:30 - 12:00 at the McDonald's on Dixie Hwy, 3050 Dixie Highway, Edgewood, KY 41018. Take I-75-South through the city and across the river into northern KY. Take I-275-East (Exit 185) and get off at the first exit, Dixie Hwy. Turn right off the ramp and go 4 lights on Dixie to the McD on the right, just past the Shell station. There's lots of options to gas up here, so do it! We'll probably grab a coffee and a quick lunch while we're waiting.

Kickstands up at 12 o'clock sharp.

There will be a few places to stop and take a short break and gas up if needed along the route. Mileage is about 155-160 and I'm guessing based on previous rides in this area that ride time will be 4 - 4.5 hours, not including stops. Ride pace will be 'spirited' but not exceed 10-20 over the posted SL, so not gonzo-crazy. Return will be along I-275 from the west back to I-75-North and home.

Temps aren't predicted to get above the low 50s, so gear up accordingly. I'll have route description for anyone who shows, and no one will be left behind--we wait at every corner for the group.

I do want to note that these roads vary from smooth 2-lane rural state/county roads to narrow, rough, 1-lane goat paths with lots of sharp turns, blind corners, elevation changes and of course, gravel, so please be an experienced bike handler with at least average skills.

Let's go have some fun!

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ok, thanks Bubba. let's stick with your original plan, meeting at noon at the mcd on Dixie. Should be a blast.

After the ride, the Cinti Dualsport group is having their monthly meet at Golden Corral in Springdale. I'll be hittin that.

Ninjaman, are you coming?

Edited by cobrat
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