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What is he going to use it for? If he is young and just wanting to play around I would say the Gopro1 is just fine, if he is going to want HD and all the fancy features then you mise well buy the brand new one that is out. Talking a differance of a couple hundred bucks though.

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That's the same one I own, and its perfect. Great picture quality so on, I'm actually selling mine tonight w/3 year warranty.

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If you going to get a gopro I would get the hero2 or higher. Main reason is they come with a battery pack vs batteries, the batteries tend to only last 20-30 min. The other reason is the Hero2 and up can hold up to a 32 gig card vs a 4 gig.

The one I'm looking at is http://www.amazon.com/GoPro-HD-HERO2-Outdoor-Edition/dp/B005WY3TI4/ref=sr_1_2?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1354041155&sr=1-2&keywords=gopro+hero3

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I have off brand, 20 for 2 w charger. Never had an issue, last just as long as the stock. Get the batteries and a 32gb card. Camera is useless without batteries and memory, and they are both fairly cheap compared to the price of the cam.

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I have off brand, 20 for 2 w charger. Never had an issue, last just as long as the stock. Get the batteries and a 32gb card. Camera is useless without batteries and memory, and they are both fairly cheap compared to the price of the cam.

Same here, on both.

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If the GoPro is out of your budget, we offer the Liquid Image Ego HD camera. Same video quality but without the GoPro name.

A lot of the reviews say they aren't as user friendly as the go pro.... I don't want something him and his friends can't figure out how to operate

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