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Goodell must go


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This egomaniac with his Napoleonic complex must go. He has already done enough damage to the game and now this. These players know they will pay a heavy price for playing this game, they all admit it in interviews. The ironic thing it that this "idea" was proposed by Greg Schiano. The same coach who has his defensive players fire off full boreon opposing teams when they are kneeing down at the end of a half or game. I normally don't give 2 shits about what happens in sports but this is fucking ridiculous. /rant


Edited by cmh_sprint
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although I think kickoffs should remain because without them the Browns would have won even fewer games in the last 7 years but the idea intrigues me.

He is an idiot and I'm not a big fan but its really not a horrific idea

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^werd........ Sorry but i beleive back in the day when i got engrossed in the NFL they hit alot harder and were much more brutal. The days of guys like Ronnie Lot and Jack Lambert..... Dick Butkus and agreesive running backs like Earl Campbell and Sweetness. They get paid way more than enough for the risk..... They continue to wussifie it people will just quit watching

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The game is always changing. The forward pass had to be legalized, the goal post moved so people didn't kill themselves running into it, etc.

When you actually think about this rule proposal - it would make the game very interesting strategically. Going for it instead of punting away, sneaks, blocked punts...it would add some excitement while still allowing for returns.

Seriously, stop thinking traditionalism, and look at it from a sheer gameplay perspective. Schiano's idea is pretty damned cool actually.

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Football is a rough, tough sport.

No one is forcing these guys to play, or to accept the fame, or huge amounts of money. If you think the risk is worth the rewards...then play. If not, go play soccer in France.

Pussification of this country, and of course the players are not the ones calling the shots, it is the cigar smoking rich asshole owners and the team lawyers.

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There are known risks to almost everything, and obviously some more than others. Playing a collision sport has its risks, sign on the dotted line if you know and accept the risks. What about motorcycle and car racing, both could also kill or maim you for life......the professionals and amateurs alike know this. Nanny states, nanny sports and nanny government.........:fruit:

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There are known risks to almost everything, and obviously some more than others. Playing a collision sport has its risks, sign on the dotted line if you know and accept the risks. What about motorcycle and car racing, both could also kill or maim you for life......the professionals and amateurs alike know this. Nanny states, nanny sports and nanny government.........:fruit:

...or UFC.

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The problem isn't just some of the rules, it's the execution. Too many borderline calls are going the wrong way. The call of helmet hit on a receiver against the Bengals yesterday was absolute garbage. Though, the rule about ANY contact with a QB's helmet is horse shit.

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