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Anonymous publishes names and numbers of Westboro baptist Church


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I was surprised to search on this site and not see this already posted. This is great.


Don't forget, they did it live on the radio with the WBC spokesperson:


Oh, and repost: http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?p=939313&highlight=anonymous#post939313

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what does this mean? Why do we care who belongs to the WBC congregation?

Imagine that your life consisted of protesting soldier funerals and generally spreading hatred. You probably wouldn't want your home address and phone number published all over the internet on news websites.

Maybe it's more clear if you click through to this link.


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Imagine that your life consisted of protesting soldier funerals and generally spreading hatred. You probably wouldn't want your home address and phone number published all over the internet on news websites.

Maybe it's more clear if you click through to this link.


I think they thrive on attention, giving them more attention seems like a bad idea...

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There was an interesting comment on slashdot. Not sure of the truth behind it but it sounds reasonable.


To be entirely accurate, WSBC isn't really a Christian church.

Now, because I can just hear the Atheist trolls firing up their "No True Scotsman fallacy" engines, Understand that WSBC is not a church in ANY traditional sense of the meaning other than they are a unified group and they have regular meetings. In that respect they are as much a church as your local NAMBLA affliate group.

If you look down the WSBC roster you will see that first of all, they are ALL related to one another either by marriage or by birth. It's basically the Phelps clan with some other family appendages.

Secondly, you may notice that all or nearly all of the Phelpses are LAWYERS. In fact, they are all very accomplished tort lawyers and/or law staff. When you look at their history you will see that they ALWAYS sue people that assault them, and they almost always win. They have made MILLIONS off of suing people that attack them for their repugnant views.

This is also how they manage to remain classified a church; They are based in a state where church classification rules are loose, and they utilize that and their status as lawyers to keep that classification. (Saves on taxes when the Church makes all the money.)

Then they go out and set up situations where they will likely be assaulted just to make money off of the poor righteous bastards that want to go after them. They keep the threat of violence reasonably low by filming everything and bringing women and children along as human shields, and then when one of them inevitably gets punched or shoved or pushed or gets a hangnail, they sue everyone there, especially any families that are involved in the events they are protesting at.

This is why I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Freedom Riders. Basically a motorcycle gang that specifically follows the WSBC around whenever they protest a soldier's funeral. they surround them and then block them from view with HUGE signs and American flags and drown them out with revving Harley Davidson motorcycles. They never touch anyone from WSBC, but they prevent them from causing any emotional harm to the families of dead soldiers. They've been so effective the Phelpses have nearly abandoned going after soldier's funerals.

This is why I say that the Phelpses are NOT a Christian church. They are just a bunch of dirty lawyers using hate and law to make money hand over fist. I suspect that they may very well believe at least some of the bile they spew, but it is FAR more about money than it is about faith. Frankly, if not for the fact that they seem to be so much about making money hand over fist I'd almost suspect they were an attempt to troll Christianity and tax law surrounding the churches.

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I think they thrive on attention, giving them more attention seems like a bad idea...

I actually do agree with this, but my idea is more like IP's down there. Block them from protesting, actually, at this point, I have no issues with the police or anyone telling them to stay out of their town. I would like that to be honest.

Or just smash all their camera's, vans, etc. Of course, then they would just file lawsuits and get more $$.... That's all they care about anyways.

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There's a famous quote that says something like "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it". I think that applies here.

That said, the things these people do I find to be abhorrent and dispicable. I also believe that if ignored, they would go away but we as a country have little appetite for ignoring those that beg for attention. I bring you exhibit A - Honey Boo Boo. smh

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