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The American Army


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So wait, I can't just post random stuff? I mean I was hoping for way more in this thread today and it did not deliver. I ended up having to take a 2 hr nap at work because I couldn't read anything fun.

I expected a lot better. I actualyl thought this was an interesting topic myself.

ok ok, random appearance of random people doing random things randomly allowed.

But only randomly...

edit: and.... wait for it...

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Vermont is attempting to pass this type of legislation. It allows for petition to exempt, at a minimum cost. Should some one not wish to comply. Yes, a small penalty. Not much different than conscientious objector, but with a fine.

edit: enforcement isn't an issue with good citizens of honor, which most ex-military already are.

Edited by ReconRat
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Whining, crying, and sheep bleating not allowed in this thread.

Delusions of fantasy worlds of rainbows and unicorns also excluded.

Discussion is technically of interest only to ex-military personnel.

lol. I'm still AD and will be for awhile. I have some interest in this subject.

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Do you desire the military member to buy the rifle they used while serving? A new one?

Flexible. Needs to use common ammunition. Be functional. Operator needs to be proficient with safe use. Government can issue if need be in hardship cases.

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I give up. No one is biting. The requirement for an "American Army" of ordinary citizens already exists in both Federal law and State law. It's permanent, survived challenges, and has been modified to make it stronger. Yes, it says you should own a weapon and ammunition if you can afford to do so.

It is what it is.

The largest army in the world. The American public. Nothing even comes close.

It's who we are, even if some don't like it. It is freedom. Forever.

Don't change it.

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I give up. No one is biting. The requirement for an "American Army" of ordinary citizens already exists in both Federal law and State law. It's permanent, survived challenges, and has been modified to make it stronger. Yes, it says you should own a weapon and ammunition if you can afford to do so.


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That wasn't real specific, but I get the idea.

But I'm going to reverse it, and ask:

name one state or federal set of documents of law that does not mention it.

Good luck.

I want to know where the law says anyone outside of law enforcement is required to own or to carry any firearm of any kind...

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I want you to find a teapot swirling around the sun somewhere between the orbits of mars and jupiter...

LOL! The probabilities of one being there is probably pretty high.

Odds of finding it...not so much.

edit: The realities are, quoting US law isn't realistic sometimes, unless there is a fair understanding of that law.

What I've been reading is scattered throughout most of all US law including Supreme Court decisions.

Hint: In part, it's also the reason that the draft(conscription) during the Vietnam War was found to be legal when challenged.

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LOL! The probabilities of one being there is probably pretty high.

Odds of finding it...not so much.

and therein lies our differences of thinking. My opinion is that the odds are quite low, in fact, as near zero as I can imagine. However, I cannot prove to you that it isn't there.

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