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Assault weapons banned in Connecticut.... Since 1993?


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This is nothing new and several other states have the same law. The firearm used in the most recent shooting in Connecticut was not an assault weapon. Are you suggesting that the next assault weapons ban have a more stringent definition so as to exclude the weapon used from ownership for others across the country? We can clearly see how making things illegal protects all of us from someone misusing a tool.

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This is nothing new and several other states have the same law. The firearm used in the most recent shooting in Connecticut was not an assault weapon. Are you suggesting that the next assault weapons ban have a more stringent definition so as to exclude the weapon used from ownership for others across the country? We can clearly see how making things illegal protects all of us from someone misusing a tool.

My point was more along the lines of if that weapon isn't an assault rifle under CT law, why is the media allowed to knowingly misrepresent it? And, obviously an assault weapons ban does nothing.

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My point was more along the lines of if that weapon isn't an assault rifle under CT law, why is the media allowed to knowingly misrepresent it? And, obviously an assault weapons ban does nothing.

Your first mistake is expecting the opposition to be forthright in their battle against rights. Their goal is to disarm the masses not let you determine the narrative. The mainstream news is first about making money and is under no obligation to provide anyone with the truth about anything or feed you what you want to hear. If they happen to have an agenda then how they go about it is totally up to them and it is to be expected that it will be framed to their advantage as I would when engaged with advancing my own agenda.

The people that are interested in gun control aren’t concerned with the details or meaningful results. Most would try to redefine what an assault weapon is when faced with the knowledge that this last shooting was committed with just a run of the mill semi-automatic firearm. What they are trying to accomplish will not give them the results they hope for but they feel the effort will make them better people because they care. They are happy allowing government to provide their protection and are blinded to the fact there are more people around them capable of doing good than causing harm, as evident from the overwhelming number of firearms that cause no harm. That blindness causes them to lash out at the tools the protector’s use in some sort of a perverted attempt to ward off their own inadequacies or self control.

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