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Vote for Change


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This whole political mess is an embarrassment. If Americans truly want change, we have to take back out government by voting out the current mindset. I didn't vote for a single incumbent and won't. Americans have to make a statement and vote these guys out of office.

Why O' Why, did Ohioans have to vote Boner back into office. Such an embarrassment. If only he had been sent packing along with Cantor in VA (if he was up).

Edited by Revelstoker
No delete, should have placed in Politics
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This whole political mess is an embarrassment. If Americans truly want change, we have to take back out government by voting out the current mindset. I didn't vote for a single incumbent and won't. Americans have to make a statement and vote these guys out of office.

Why O' Why, did Ohioans have to vote Boner back into office. Such an embarrassment. If only he had been sent packing along with Cantor in VA (if he was up).

Probably had something to do with the fact that Boehner ran unopposed in his district.

The problem here is that Americans want change, but they won't change. Further gerrymandering of districts ensures that change won't happen. Remember that "scary" measure on the ballot last November to take redistricting out of the hands of the current Congressional party and move it to a bi-partisan panel? The one that brought in all kinds of outside ads with crazy claims of "unlimited budget, no accountability"? Yeah, that was our attempt at stopping the crazy redistricting, and it lost by 20%, if I remember right.

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Wait....You actually expect the average Uh-murican voter to be informed and have a strong political viewpoint on anything other than their own entitlement program? :rolleyes:

That'll happen right after this nation can come up with two or more REAL presidential candidates--that haven't already sold their souls to multiple PACs--out of 300 million choices. Not likely... :(

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Wait....You actually expect the average Uh-murican voter to be informed and have a strong political viewpoint on anything other than their own entitlement program? :rolleyes:

That'll happen right after this nation can come up with two or more REAL presidential candidates--that haven't already sold their souls to multiple PACs--out of 300 million choices. Not likely... :(

And who might you say would be a "REAL" Presidential candidate?

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no way... his hair is way whacked.

nugent, baby

He would shave his head no doubt, and Ted doesnt have whacked out hair?:eek: Yes I would also like to see Ted in office, however he and Jesse are worlds apart in many ways. So actually Ted would be my first choice, with Jesse as a good backup.

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And who might you say would be a "REAL" Presidential candidate?

Dunno. Wish I knew. Maybe the guys who nominated Jesse V or the Nug know something I don't. Wasn't trying to start a "my party/candidate is better than yours" type of thread. Merely pointing out that I firmly believe that no politician currently in office at any level higher than maybe a local school board candidate is able to follow their own will or conscience on voting. Too much money required to attain said office and the necessity of selling the soul to finance a campaign leave little to honest chance any more...

What I will say about our current crop of criminals in Washington:

"Never have so many been paid so much to accomplish so little."

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I've been voting my beliefs for 20+ years now, which don't seem to line up too well with the current two party system. Last election, it was something like 4 dems, three independents, and three repubs.In six elections, I still haven't managed to vote for a winning presidential candidate. :(

But, in the current environment, I may have to change my ways and as much as I hate the philosophy behind it, vote for the lesser of two evils in the next elections. Gun rights are way up there on my list of personal beliefs, and now that the D's have decided it's time to start their anti gun efforts again, I will have to vote against them instead of for who most lines up with my beliefs overall. It really sucks. :mad:

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Not voting or voting for a candidate other than Romney or Obama, is exactly why Obama won again.....just sayin. This wasnt the election to vote for the obvious best choice for this country, more like the lesser of 2 evils. I will vote for the best choice and candidate for this country in 2016.

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Not voting or voting for a candidate other than Romney or Obama, is exactly why Obama won again.....just sayin. This wasnt the election to vote for the obvious best choice for this country, more like the lesser of 2 evils.

And that is the problem in this country. Everyone gets that mindset and it narrows it down to the closest 2. Instead of everyone voting for the one that they think would be the best for our country, they vote for the one that is slightly for them that has a chance to win. Stop jumping on the bandwagon and think for yourself. Too bad most of the voting public is too ignorant to do some research and vote for on their own beliefs. The other problem is common ballots. Indiana only had Romney/Obama on the ballet. Ohio had at least 6. Can't win an election if your name isn't on half the ballots.

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Not voting or voting for a candidate other than Romney or Obama, is exactly why Obama won again......

Don't be so sure. If I was given only the choice between Romney and Obama, I would have probably voted for Obama. I really disliked Romney. He was a horrible choice by the GOP.

The idea that everyone who voted third party would have swung to the R side is incorrect.

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And that is the problem in this country. Everyone gets that mindset and it narrows it down to the closest 2. Instead of everyone voting for the one that they think would be the best for our country, they vote for the one that is slightly for them that has a chance to win. Stop jumping on the bandwagon and think for yourself. Too bad most of the voting public is too ignorant to do some research and vote for on their own beliefs. The other problem is common ballots. Indiana only had Romney/Obama on the ballet. Ohio had at least 6. Can't win an election if your name isn't on half the ballots.

I am not on any bandwagon, and thinking for myself is exactly what I did. I voted "hesitantly", but many didnt because they were disgusted by the choices and I can't blame them. The Independents will never have a chance, because there are too many voters that are dependent. The Democrips and Rebloodlicans are running the show, too much money backing them and because of that the Independents are pretty much hosed. Haven't had a President not affiliated with a party since George Washington, and I sadly don't ever see that changing in my lifetime. This country needs a serious enema in the Statehouse, so much corruption and evil doing going on.

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Wait....You actually expect the average Uh-murican voter to be informed and have a strong political viewpoint on anything other than their own entitlement program? :rolleyes:

That'll happen right after this nation can come up with two or more REAL presidential candidates--that haven't already sold their souls to multiple PACs--out of 300 million choices. Not likely... :(

But.. but.. EVERYONE pays attention to politics! :wtf:

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Not voting or voting for a candidate other than Romney or Obama, is exactly why Obama won again.....just sayin. This wasnt the election to vote for the obvious best choice for this country, more like the lesser of 2 evils. I will vote for the best choice and candidate for this country in 2016.

There were plenty of other choices and I chose one of those. We have to remember that this country is by the people, for the people. The only "power" that the populace has is to vote. If we really want change, we have to vote it in.

Simply flipping over the bread and looking at the fluffy stuff on either side is a waste of some really good crust.

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I am not on any bandwagon, and thinking for myself is exactly what I did. I voted "hesitantly", but many didnt because they were disgusted by the choices and I can't blame them. The Independents will never have a chance, because there are too many voters that are dependent. The Democrips and Rebloodlicans are running the show, too much money backing them and because of that the Independents are pretty much hosed. Haven't had a President not affiliated with a party since George Washington, and I sadly don't ever see that changing in my lifetime. This country needs a serious enema in the Statehouse, so much corruption and evil doing going on.

Then get up off your ass and start a political party, or go volunteer and spread the message of a existing party like the Libertarians. Too much work? Then continue to sit on your ass and think that by having a crossed-out hammer and sickle and talk about 0bummer that you're making impactful change. Don't give me this "hesitantly" copout bullshit.

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Then get up off your ass and start a political party, or go volunteer and spread the message of a existing party like the Libertarians. Too much work? Then continue to sit on your ass and think that by having a crossed-out hammer and sickle and talk about 0bummer that you're making impactful change. Don't give me this "hesitantly" copout bullshit.

I did hesitantly vote, but didnt want to waste a vote this time around on anybody else that had NO FUCKING CHANCE. At least I didn't vote that worthless excuse for an American piece of shit back in office, like many did yet again. I will be voting Libertarian in 2016, and as well going forward. I loathe both of the political gangs, and hopefully Americans will wake up in 4 years.

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I am not on any bandwagon, and thinking for myself is exactly what I did. I voted "hesitantly", but many didnt because they were disgusted by the choices and I can't blame them. The Independents will never have a chance, because there are too many voters that are dependent. The Democrips and Rebloodlicans are running the show, too much money backing them and because of that the Independents are pretty much hosed. Haven't had a President not affiliated with a party since George Washington, and I sadly don't ever see that changing in my lifetime. This country needs a serious enema in the Statehouse, so much corruption and evil doing going on.

You do have a good point with the too much money thing.... Ya know a good chunk of that is your money. Something like $12 mill for the top 2 parties. And its funny, the electorial college was set up so that the rich couldn't spread thier name and crush the little guy. And now they have turned it into the exact opposite. Ironic. ....

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2

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Campaign reform. Limit the amount of money a party and candidate can spend. Give (at least) a 3rd party the same advantage monetarily. Part of this reform would also effectively change the states nomination process's and rules as well as reforming the electoral college. Sweeping change should also legislate term limits and benefit cutoffs for those out of office with one exception, the Pres. But change his to a single 6 yr term.

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