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Bank of America freezes American Spirit Arms' bank account?


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I told him that in the Yeager thread. Apparently either he enjoys trolling, or he's a moron.

I'm a troll? Says the guy on a motorcycle forum that no longer has a bike. The same guy who goes over everyone of my posts with a fine tooth comb and jumps on any detail he can. Regarding your statement in the yeager thread. That was in regards to a private business. My rights stop where yours begin. Meaning one person does not have the right to shit on the rights of another. BOA cannot go out and stop people from buying guns although it can regulate where its customers are spending their money if they want to. Doesn't mean its right it just means they have the right to don their business how they want to.

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Violation was the wrong term i guess an infringement or impediment. Yes they are not limited by the constitution but if this situation is true than they are getting in the way of other peoples rights that they have.

They are not getting in the way of anyone rights. You don't have a right to force a company to do business with you. They can refuse the business.

The only recourse you have is if they refuse the business under grounds protected by state or federal anti-discrimination laws (gender, race etc) - but those are laws that target businesses, and "gun owner" is not a discrimination class.

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They are not getting in the way of anyone rights. You don't have a right to force a company to do business with you. They can refuse the business.

The only recourse you have is if they refuse the business under grounds protected by state or federal anti-discrimination laws (gender, race etc) - but those are laws that target businesses, and "gun owner" is not a discrimination class.

You have a right to buy the firearm, yet you go to the store to buy it and its declined using your debit card without any notice. While it may seem like a minor inconvenience to some that seems to be getting in the way to me. Seems they are doing their best if this is true to prevent people from buying firearms. A person like me I live almost an hour from the nearest gun store and normally only carry a minimal amount of cash. I'd be pretty pissed if one evening I drove an hour to buy a gun and planned on using my debit card and it got declined because of a new policy the bank has. If it was too late to get into my bank for a withdraw then is be SOL because my bank limits the amount that can be withdrawn from the ATM. So they very well could delay someone making a firearms purchase which in my opinion is getting in the way of the persons rights.

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You have a right to buy the firearm, yet you go to the store to buy it and its declined using your debit card without any notice. While it may seem like a minor inconvenience to some that seems to be getting in the way to me. Seems they are doing their best if this is true to prevent people from buying firearms. A person like me I live almost an hour from the nearest gun store and normally only carry a minimal amount of cash. I'd be pretty pissed if one evening I drove an hour to buy a gun and planned on using my debit card and it got declined because of a new policy the bank has. If it was too late to get into my bank for a withdraw then is be SOL because my bank limits the amount that can be withdrawn from the ATM. So they very well could delay someone making a firearms purchase which in my opinion is getting in the way of the persons rights.

I don't have to go over your posts with a fine tooth comb, because you make it so easy with the derp you already spew out. Again, you're changing the conditions of the argument to suit your own ends, which implies that you don't have a leg to stand on and have to manufacture shit in order to form a argument in the first place. If you go to a gun store, attempt to purchase a gun, and you card gets declined, that's probably because YOU DON'T HAVE ANY FUCKING MONEY. This isn't what this thread is about, this is about a bank that saw a massive increase in inflow funds on a business, and put a hold on it to investigate. Yes, it's exacerbated by the fact that whatever guy on the phone told him it was about guns was a moron, but this is something that happens, for better or for worse, all the time and is almost completely automated.

As far as the ATM thing goes, would you rather have someone with your debit card info clean out your entire account, instead of being limited to only $300 a night? If you want to buy a gun that bad, plan the fuck ahead.

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I don't have to go over your posts with a fine tooth comb, because you make it so easy with the derp you already spew out. Again, you're changing the conditions of the argument to suit your own ends, which implies that you don't have a leg to stand on and have to manufacture shit in order to form a argument in the first place. If you go to a gun store, attempt to purchase a gun, and you card gets declined, that's probably because YOU DON'T HAVE ANY FUCKING MONEY. This isn't what this thread is about, this is about a bank that saw a massive increase in inflow funds on a business, and put a hold on it to investigate. Yes, it's exacerbated by the fact that whatever guy on the phone told him it was about guns was a moron, but this is something that happens, for better or for worse, all the time and is almost completely automated.

As far as the ATM thing goes, would you rather have someone with your debit card info clean out your entire account, instead of being limited to only $300 a night? If you want to buy a gun that bad, plan the fuck ahead.

Way to mash up 2 different subjects there to fit your argument. The debit card thing was in regards to BOA declining firearms purchases.Try reading the last few posts since my link, take your time and you may be able to figure out what I was talking about. Or maybe even check the link I posted. If you want me to I can map it out for you.

Edited by cOoTeR
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