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Smart guns?


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Guns should also be designed to sense where they are being aimed. ... Sensory data can be used by built-in software to disable firing if the gun is pointed at a child or someone holding a child.

Guns should be designed to broadcast their location when they are loaded. Police could see if high-powered assault weapons are entering or getting close to a public place.

I'm gonna sue this guy, I choked on my Tim Horton's reading this...

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I'm gonna sue this guy, I choked on my Tim Horton's reading this...

Broadcasting their location is a great idea! There's no way you could possibly bust that system right before you commit a crime :rolleyes:

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look, if a weapon had enough sense to know where it was aimed,

a hacker would be able to fire it for you.

Not a good idea...

not necessarily...

It's a stupid idea... but it would be easy enough to build a remote "disable" circuit into a gun without building a remote "fire" circuit in as well...

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not necessarily...

It's a stupid idea... but it would be easy enough to build a remote "disable" circuit into a gun without building a remote "fire" circuit in as well...

For the same of argument let's pretend like the technology exists:

- Who decides when the gun is to be disabled?

No need to confiscate guns, just disable them all.

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Hypothetically? I draw my weapon and take aim' date=' hopefully putting him down before he does something unthinkable. In that situation, I would have no reason to believe he wouldn't harm my child.

In real life? :dunno:[/quote']

With a "smart gun" you'd have to sit and watch the guy do whatever he wants because the presence of the baby would preclude firing the gun.

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hrmm, there's also "smart bullets" now. If the electronics can be specialized to hit a target, I suppose they could be designed that would not hit certain targets. Who knows what the future will bring. Might take the fun out of target shooting if you never miss.

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There ARE smart artillery shells that are steerable midflight using onboard brains - they can shoot "around" a city (like the curved trajectory of a golf ball) and hit a jeep from 35 miles away. This is a projectile that has all the velocity it's gonna get as it leaves the barrel - not self-powered mid-flight.

Of course each shell costs as much as a half decent house...

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I see smart technology being applied to electrical weapons more than to guns. My taser already has a one-off activation passcode before it will activate for the first time and they can easily program it to require a new passcode 2 hours after any use of the weapon - ensuring it is useless if it reaches the black market after being use in a self defense situation. (The instructions say to zap someone and leave it zapping them as you run away - 30 second cycle - so if used they will probably wind up being kept by the bad guy)

They already have cameras on some models (although discerning if the target is a bad guy or an innocent is beyond even the wildest dreams of current technology. It could be embedded with an rfid chip for detection (not that I want that, but it is a feature the "smart guns" author wanted) and also would not work if the rfid chip is deactivated. It could be designed to be disabled externally via a coded radio signal.

Of course a taser is essentially a "less lethal" one-shot weapon with a 5-10 second reload time that is not going to be used as the primary weapon in a mass killing. As such I see no reason to need to disable it remotely, as it's value to a mass killer is limited, whereas it is worth more to a person protecting themselves.

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Wally is being held hostage by the bad guys, and they threaten to shoot him unless Mick Dundee gives up. So Mick shoots wally in the head, dropping him to the ground. Of course, through the magic of Hollywood the bullet only grazes Wally, but it makes the bad guys give up the hostage ploy.

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If they make is so guns can't shoot children the world will be taken over by midgets! I think MT has something to do with this plot.

The software will have an override if it detects spaghetti and/or jello on the "target".

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