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How many times have you been caught out in the snow?


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Twice - both times in Rocky Mountain National Park.

One time we had a Park Ranger drive up to us and demand that we descend and leave the park due to oncoming snow. Had to ride down to Estes Park in the tracks of cars.

I was scared mainly because I had the wife on the back and didn't want to dump it with her there.

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Once after work, going home. It wasn't bad, but definitely time to be someplace else.

Four or more times have gone out when there was still ice or snow on some roads.

It's a wonderful feeling when the temperatures zoom up to 70F for the day,

and you can still see frozen ponds along side the road.

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Never on the street. Did get caught above tree line this past summer riding over Engineer Pass in CO in a storm that brought rain, lightning, thunder snow and quarter-size hail.

Went from this:


To this in a matter of minutes:




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Probably about 10 times, once riding 2 up. 2 up sucked, really ruins what little traction you have on the front end.

The best was an unexpected snow at the end of October when i lived in Indiana. Rode the 20 miles or so to work one morning. I rode to my girlfriend's house the night before, woke up to about 9 inches of snow on the ground. Nothing more satisfying than passing a car in the ditch while you're on a bike. Always gave them a honk and a wave. I took to riding in the ditch myself for one stretch, riding in deep powder was easier than driving in the packed snow/ice.

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Just a hand full of times, but i have logged many hours of show riding. One time i woke up to snow in spatanburg South Carolina and had to ride all way back to Columbus with on and off snow showers. That was the last time I rode in cold weather without heater gear i thought i was going to die the while way home. The dense fog and near zero viability through the mountains didn't help

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I did buy the last bike in February. Rode out through snow and ice very gently (both feet down), till I got to the freeway. Freeway was clear. Absolutely beautiful riding with all that snow around. A new experience. Humor was the driveway not shoveled out. Just backed up and gunned it as far as it would go, and put the cover on it.

Edited by ReconRat
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I've been caught in the snow once. It was last winter sometime. I went to Easton and back(from Worthington) and it was fine and on my way back it started snowing. I decided not to take the 270 back so I just stayed on Morse Rd.

It started to stick so it wasn't that fun. Luckily I was layered up and weather full leathers so I was fairly warm....except my finger tips haha

never hail though. but rain....ha plenty of times. lost count a while ago

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Once. What started out as a nice clear night turned into 2 inches on the road before I got back from a 40 mile ride. It's alright until your lean angle exceeds about 2 degrees, then the puckering starts. This is the only time on a street bike. I used to take my enduro out in the back 40 in deep snow just to slide around &I throw some rooster tails.

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