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Christopher Jordan Dorner. Two sides to every story?


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Those are stickers...:nono:

Na, really, this guy feels wronged by doing the right thing so he was stuck in a circle of heavy emotions with no off ramp for righteousness and wound up saying fuck it fueled with anger and hate. Nothing more dangerous. I think he wants a showdown. Time will tell.

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...Feinstein and Boxer are calling for all of the LAPD as well as citizens to 'lay down their weapons during the statewide manhunt'. ...

I saw that on facebook. And I though one of the links was to the LA Times. But it appears to be all strange news sources when I search.

I have read that his truck was found on property of some one he knows, who may have aided him. I suspect the truck was burned long after he was gone in another direction. And by now he's in Mexico somewhere.

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I glimpsed over his 'manifesto', was he claiming anything besides that he overheard lapd officers using the 'N' word and when he reported them nothing happened. Then during his initial training, he reports his female fto for giving a little boot leather to a resistor that also required being tazed twice to get him in redtraints but cause no injuries.

What else is he claiming that would justify such actions and more so, the public outcry for support?

I could be wrong, but it seems that he had no real 'plan' just a 'poor me' victim letter and I would not be surprise if he hadn't eaten his own bullet somewhere in the mountains already

Edited by rsvRidr
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The last line of the story is kinda interesting.

Protect them from whom? This guy already knows who they are.


Trust the media, they know what you need to know. They'll print the Sandy Hook shooters name and plaster his face on everything though to make sure future shooters know they'll be famous.

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I saw that on facebook. And I though one of the links was to the LA Times. But it appears to be all strange news sources when I search.

I have read that his truck was found on property of some one he knows, who may have aided him. I suspect the truck was burned long after he was gone in another direction. And by now he's in Mexico somewhere.

I searched and could not find any credible links on this either. Doesn't mean it didn't happen......with our msm who really knows.

I glimpsed over his 'manifesto', was he claiming anything besides that he overheard lapd officers using the 'N' word and when he reported them nothing happened. Then during his initial training, he reports his female fto for giving a little boot leather to a resistor that also required being tazed twice to get him in redtraints but cause no injuries.

What else is he claiming that would justify such actions and more so, the public outcry for support?

I could be wrong, but it seems that he had no real 'plan' just a 'poor me' victim letter and I would not be surprise if he hadn't eaten his own bullet somewhere in the mountains already

Many ex military are talking like this. I'm not sold on it being this simple. Let me tell you, I have heard lots of racial bs that exists within the LAPD, so I am not at all surprised at what he claims. We all have seen how they deal with situations with perps, so its well known they will beat the shit out of someone for nothing. They can call it 'resisting' anytime they want to suit their needs, to cover their asses. And the ranks close up tight to keep problems from going public. All this fits his claims. Sad to think he choose this path. Funny how the officials are using the media to say the public is at danger......but he has been clear that its the officers and their families he seeks revenge against, and its the LAPD itself who is opening up on the general public is displays of 'knee jerk' reactions to their fear. I would not be surprised to hear that he is dead. But the official report will probably not tell the truth behind how he died. The real truth will reside withing the blue walls of their closed ranks.

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Many ex military are talking like this. I'm not sold on it being this simple. Let me tell you, I have heard lots of racial bs that exists within the LAPD, so I am not at all surprised at what he claims. We all have seen how they deal with situations with perps, so its well known they will beat the shit out of someone for nothing. They can call it 'resisting' anytime they want to suit their needs, to cover their asses. And the ranks close up tight to keep problems from going public. All this fits his claims. Sad to think he choose this path. Funny how the officials are using the media to say the public is at danger......but he has been clear that its the officers and their families he seeks revenge against, and its the LAPD itself who is opening up on the general public is displays of 'knee jerk' reactions to their fear. I would not be surprised to hear that he is dead. But the official report will probably not tell the truth behind how he died. The real truth will reside withing the blue walls of their closed ranks.

I just can not get over the idea that if it was not this simple he would have made much larger allegations than one excessive use of force by a single female officer. A hearing where civilian witnesses testified they saw no officer misconduct.

After targeting the daughter of one of his counsel from his termination hearing and her boyfriend, writing the manifesto calling Charlie Sheen awesome and sending it to Anderson Cooper, it seems like his plan,had no plan afterwards. From trying to steal a boat to getting in a firefight with another agency then setting his truck on fire with 2 AR's inside, he seems like a wack-a-doodle to me. But time will tell- I guess.

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If he really had something serious enough for them to need to kill him no matter what why wouldn't he have released that to the media. His revenge seems a bit over the top to me for what he alledges. Most people in his situation would settle for kicking someone's ass and be done with it, not killing family members that aren't involved. Dude has snapped and should have gone to counciling. I think he's obviously got racial issues. I think he was trying to set up Rodney king style riots. I also think he did have a nice plan but then put all his cards on the table. Now that LAPD is ready to fight back he's realized that's not a good situation and gone into panic mode. Like Mike Tyson said everyone has a plan until the get punched in the mouth. If anyone is helping this guy out I'd bet its his mom or sister that he lives with.

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If it was serious do you think the media would have released it? Tinfoil hat, they squish the serious shit.

Someone would have leaked it. The media jumps on every chance to portray law enforcement in a bad light.

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I'd love to know the dollar amount of this manhunt (to include the inevitable lawsuit from shooting up the asian paper ladies).

I'm gonna guess the LAPD has put it to the taxpayer in the 7 digit range...and counting.

That entire state is fail.

For sure!

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I'd love to know the dollar amount of this manhunt (to include the inevitable lawsuit from shooting up the asian paper ladies).

I'm gonna guess the LAPD has put it to the taxpayer in the 7 digit range...and counting.

That entire state is fail.

I've wondered that too. Seems there is 100x more resources being put into catching this guy than the other murders in the that city. It was my understanding part of public service, be that military, PD, firefighter, etc was you were supposed to be putting your life on the line to protect others. Shooting up cars without provocation is the exact opposite of that. I guess I just assumed what made these professions honorable was you were willing to be shot to avoid an innocent/civilian being shot.

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