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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/2008 in all areas

  1. So I got a nice gash last night, I'm not sure if the pic shows how deep it actually is but yeah I could see fatty tissue. If you don't like pics of sores don't look further down ok here it is BTW I sat and cleaned it out with aclky and held it together while we used skin glue. It hurt like a SOB. http://bamb.ohiogaming.net/thorne/IMAGE_00002.jpg http://bamb.ohiogaming.net/thorne/IMAGE_00003.jpg My face was pretty swollen at this point
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. "Butthash" hehe thats it wife needs abortion right now. Evan
    1 point
  4. Hey hey hey! He doesn't need any of your Satan worshiping science heresy!
    1 point
  5. ok so that is reason 1 why you're a fucking idiot. reason two: i believe that the earth is the shape of a hand with an extended middle finger. there's a website called http://www.ibelievetheearthismiddlefingershaped.com that proves all my theories, and i also made this sweet mspaint to go along with it that shows the relative location of israel and antartctica: http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/3/8616295470.jpg so my argument totally is valid, right? reason 3 you're an idiot: trigonometry. It is accepted that the curvature of the earth drops at about 8 inches per mile, assuming the earth is a perfect sphere. lake michigan is 517ft above sea level, holland MI is 662 ft above sea level, and milwaukee is 612 ft above sea level. if indeed it is 80 miles, that means that between holland and milwaukee there is a height discrepancy of (8 inches x 80 miles = 640 inches, which is...) 53 feet, 4 inches. Unfortunately for your idiotic idea, (612-517) + (662-517) = 95 + 145 = 250 feet difference between the height the two cities over sea level, meaning that 200 feet of either city should be visible over Lake Michigan. now that i've proved my side, will you shut the fuck up and die?
    1 point
  6. Agreed. "He just Ross'd that bitches face." White on white. AMIRITE?!!
    1 point
  7. im gregg....go by triple G. I used to own a 1991 maxima that i had fun modding. you can see it here. http://maxima.gregg-henry.com http://gregg-henry.com/albums/g35-18s/newshot.sized.jpg http://gregg-henry.com/albums/g35-18s/DSC01213.sized.jpg Little over a year ago, I bought a 2004 Acura TL Aspec. heres a couple shots... http://gregg-henry.com/albums/the_tl/DSC03901_Large.sized.jpg http://gregg-henry.com/albums/the_tl/DSC03898_Large.sized.jpg I also have my own web design/development company here in Columbus. http://www.tripleginteractive.com
    1 point
  8. White on white is fucking Ross
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Pedro... whats up man ... my favorite internet stalker always seems to find me.. Gotta love this guy... You going to be at the thing on Sat?. I havent seen you forever.
    1 point
  11. Hola... I cant stop staring at your signature gif... that shit is funny.
    1 point
  12. Hi, me again. Sorry, I'm just mesmerized with this whole rating system thing. So, to try to it out, earlier today I rated (i.e., gave rep points to) several people - that I can recall, it was Sam, Linn, Austin, Kevin R, Hal, and MrAutoX. Now, all of those people have a really long string of green blocks. So, here are my questions, does giving a person some rep points once give them a string of green blocks and then, after that, do their little blocks go down each time someone rates them negatively? Or did those guys I rated also get rated positively by a bunch of other people too and that's why they have all the green blocks? Also, how do we know who has what amount of rep points? Do we have to infer it from the legend/key that Shawn posted? Sorry, I know, all the questions have to be annoying. Just trying to understand. Thanks for bearing with me.
    1 point
  13. sweet!!! i was hoping for a better nickname, your mom definitely agrees to your terms and conditions... thanks for the warm welcoming!!!
    1 point
  14. http://i25.tinypic.com/1zybjiv.jpg
    1 point
  15. Portion size is a strictly *American* specialty.
    1 point
  16. I believe this would answer your question/lack of areas viewable issue.
    1 point
  17. Let's get this straight. You've officially gone from a salty 30 year old crying in his beer over a $500 bike, to an immature asshole trying to slander my name, to an e-warrior calling me out to a duel, behind your computer screen. I don't know why your buddy "V8Fiero" wants to keep butting his head into things and dragging things on either. You two remind me of a couple cartoon teammates. Lance and Gary I believe are their names?!? As far as selling things goes, I am very upfront and open about what each of my vehicles or items may have wrong with them. I have sold things on the CR website for over 5 years with no complaints other then you. I participate in other threads when I feel I have a reason. I've been here much longer then you have and frankly I don't know why I'm explaining myself to someone who can't even write a full sentence or get a point accross without have to use profanity. The two of you are a world class act. Drop the e-name calling scene and grow up. I don't care if you take the pain of you not owning a 78 CX500 to the grave, but leave my name out of it. If you just can't handle that, I'll make sure the moderators lock your account.
    1 point
  18. If you are considering a revolver for ccw, if you get that. Most females can't carry IWB, since your jeans be so damn tight....(oh hawtness), so you should look at the snug. If you decide to go semi...look at the Kahr PM9. Two very small guns that won't weigh a ton in your purse.
    1 point
  19. Eather he has proven how fucking stupid he is or hes fucking around. This is the same guy that fights the abserd side of religion. Your a tool we've had space shuttles go around said earth so go back to your jesus inspired world and kill urself so u can go be with god as your a waste here.
    1 point
  20. i just dont like people. want me to help you kick their butt?
    1 point
  21. :nws: If the people want boobs, I say give them boobs! :nws:
    1 point
  22. I don't think I could find a wheel for you car that looks better than that.
    1 point
  23. bringing the boobs to this thread: i doubt its nsfw but i dont feel like getting my rep hurt by the mods http://static.pici.se/pictures/QQohMqvhF.jpg edit: i have 0 rep points but 4 years and 1k posts? que pasa?
    1 point
  24. This kind of thing seems to work well on some sites, but this is CR!!!!
    1 point
  25. Back in the 80's when it was hot I think they called it "monochromatic"...not exactly a slang term but a reference none the less.
    1 point
  26. Well I just recently joined, I have been around the cr sceen for a little while thanks to reed44 but otherwise im new. I currently own a BONE stock 88 turbo supra. Which I plan on changing but not sure what to do. Thinking engine work first BHG possibly on its way
    1 point
  27. Rick Roll all your friends phones rickroll.prankdialer.com This is hilarious... did it to bigbirdspecv.. and he messaged me and said sirenforthedeaf (4:19:21 PM): did you just rick roll me? good stuff
    0 points
  28. I am not sure how many people on here watch Ghost Hunters on the SciFi Channel, but on Wednesday, 4/2/08 @ 9 pm, they will be airing an investigation they did at manson in Trinway, Ohio (near Dresden) called Prospect Place. Here is a link to the manson's website: http://prospectplace-dresden.com/ My ghost hunting group was there in December (shortly before TAPS) and didn't find much. It is a pretty cool manson and has a great history. I wonder what TAPS will find there. They also did an investigation at the Wright-Patternson AFB. I haven't found when they are going to air that one, but I will be interested in watching that one too.
    0 points
  29. OK, I was on my way to work got pulled for speeding, even though a car was passing me in the right lane. While the officer was running my license it came up suspended because of violator compact, I didn't get arrested, just a court date. Now this is my second offense with a suspended license within a year. I got court in Marysville the judge's name is Michael J. Grigsby. Already took care of the violator compact. I was reading the ORC and it states that a second offense is car impounded for 60 days? A cop friend of mine said that it could be up to 6 months in jail. Any input/ideas on what to do/expect is greatly appreciated!
    0 points
  30. 0 points
  31. You need to know the backspacing to know if it will fit a vette or goat. They will also fit a thirdgen with spacers (probably 1 3/4 front and 2 inch rear). You can take them off and measure the backspacing pretty easy and it may help your sale efforts. Nice looking car but good luck with speed bumps and inclined driveways!!
    0 points
  32. So if we beat said green vehicles do we get minus points:asshole:
    0 points
  33. So what is the point of this?
    0 points
  34. 0 points
  35. Flawless victory. Edit* - + rep for you.
    0 points
  36. we have been in space? prove it. please. funny that you believe everything higher authority tells you Bonneveille salt flats, but howcome if you stand in holland MI you can see 80 miles across the lake and see millwaukee WI? the 'curvature' of the earth is supposed to make it impossible to end the thread- nobody can prove either side
    0 points
  37. Thanks,, that actually does help.. Maybe he should give a list of requirements for introduction posts as an intro post is just that. -> Hi Im new here, I ride/drive, blah blah blah. My personal opinion is that getting to know someone is more accurately done through their interactions in various thread topics as opposed to intro posts but to each their own.. At this rate, I doubt I will ever see the rest of CR since Im sure my first post would be considered shitty by those descriptions...
    0 points
  38. top right, where you can see what # post in the thread it is.
    0 points
  39. I'll keep you in mind for sure. What I'm personally interested in is: * the car being repaired right the first time * car being kept inside service garage while in for repairs * proper parking avoiding door dings * no lot attendants boiling the rear tires Then we talk about gm apprvd parts for modding - he he
    0 points
  40. Triple crazy theory post ftw! How about some expanding earth theories? A bit more believable. I've read some incredible theories and 'proof' for this. For now, deal with the Wiki entry. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expanding_earth_theory
    0 points
  41. Very close is not a sphere.
    0 points
  42. So where you at Hoodlum, you are such a douche bag, Dan is a real good friend of mine and he has known about the deal since day one, he was the one who actually talked me into buying your bike. From what i can see on here all yuo ever do is seel shit on here. i also heard you VW has lots of issues to! So come on fucker where you at?
    0 points
  43. you go by what we call you. and from now on your name is captain assplunder. welcome
    0 points
  44. can do, PM me your email if you want a couple pics I have sitting around on my hard drive.
    0 points
  45. *chuckle* "youre a sensitive boy, arent ya, tommy?" how poetic. nad, did someone say something you didnt like and dont believe to be true about something you care about? even when you didnt ask them for their opinion? man, its a good thing youd never do something like that...
    0 points
  46. Brian for the love of God if people decide they want to meet somwhere else...PM's only to the usual people. I would love to meet somwhere else, and would be willing to drive a little to get there, but keep it on the down low. Yeah the whole "Hey, look at me i have a car alarm that works" childish bull shit killed it for me Friday night.
    0 points
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