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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/12/2008 in all areas

  1. the dive with Manta's was bad ass
    1 point
  2. those pics are beautiful.
    1 point
  3. ...rep must I spread before I can rep someone again? I really need to be able to rep some of these fantastic posts we've been having lately, and a lot of them are by the same person. They deserve more rep.
    1 point
  4. I am against anything that gives you a ticket without a police officer present. Red Light Camera's, Speed Camera's, whats next? Also, understand the reasoning for the cameras. They are only there to make money. They are 100% not there for the safety of people. There was a news story on NBC about many cities removing the cameras because the cameras were so effective in stoping red light drivers that citations have actually declined from adding the cameras. They wanted to remove them so they could write more tickets. That really put it into perspective for me anyway. I thought the police were there to help protect the people not to maximize the amount of revenue they can make. They sell the people on putting the cameras in because they are going to make our city's safer. When all they truely want to do is make more money. Cameras stop being as effective in writing tickets and they remove them. What about my safety? That would be like hospitals coming up with a cure for cancer that only cost $5.00, but then not selling the cure anymore because the hospitals were losing too much money by not performing surgeries or other appointments.
    0 points
  5. I decided to focus on the office for the past 5 weeks and not screw off so much and I doubled the practice in 5 weeks. 30 new patients last month. 200 patient visits/week. My Goal by the year end is to be at 400 patients per week. ps. What is up with this "rep" indicator?
    0 points
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