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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/2008 in all areas

  1. So I had a hell of a night tonight. First off. I was leaving my buddies house after an intense hour of Army of Two (kick ass game by the way) and I was crusin' down Gender Road. Windows down and radio on; tired as hell just minding my own business with my bed in mind. All of the sudden down the road I see a cloud of dust and a car throw its blinkers on. I pass it and I am not sure what the hell just happened. Maybe a wreck? Car broke down? I think I have enough knowledge to help something was wrong with their car. Or if an accident I have enough first aid/cpr training to do my best so I flip around and go towards them passing debree and what looks like metal pieces in the road. Long story short their car was fucked. The guy driving was a complete dick and said he would drive it on home and I offered to follow him. His girl was freaking out (maybe they were drunk?) but he took off with pieces flying off. I followed him until they turned into (maybe?) their neighborhood and went on my way home. I went down the road and pulled over to pick up the giant piece of plastic and metal the jackass left in the road which I almost hit when I turned around to help. Ah. Sleep is coming. 3:15 am lets roll. I come into Canal Winchester and there is this guy walking towards where I live on the side of the road. Unusual in Canal for someone to be walking home this late on Gender. I pull over and he runs up to the car. (Shit...I saw this on Dateline a hundred times. I'm getting shot...thoughts in my head). The guys friends left him at the bar and he had a while to go. Turns out I knew his younger brother and saved him a ~40 minute walk to his house. He was cool andI didn't get shot picking up a hitchhiker. 3:30am...finally time to go home. Nope. I take the one of three turns to get to my house and another car is pulled over with a deer in the middle of the road. Shit. I have been there before so I pull over and it is an older lady who is freakin' out. Her car is a little messed up but nothing terrible. I call the police who come out. Damn. Since I called I had to fill out the report with her. She was very thankful though and very nice. She was able to drive her car home which was good. So, now I am home. Felt like a crazy night with one thing immediately after the other. I guess I should go play the lotto tomorrow and hope the karma gods are smilin' down on me. Too much work for one night when I just wanted to come back home and sleep.
    1 point
  2. But..I have a new car! http://www.netwalk.com/~hedo/challenger1.jpg
    1 point
  3. Carl is from Britan, look at his avatar you dumb shit. They sell Fiats there. That's like someone from Austria asking you why you know so much about DSM's, ect.
    1 point
  4. my post count is my whp
    1 point
  5. Yea your right 90 degrees is great for traction, but im not sure if you know this, but cars dont run as good when its 90 degrees out. they like it cooler. And if i dont know shit about cars, then why was i rated one of the top in the nation when i graduated from auto tech? and as far as driving, i bet you cant balance a clutch as to get your girl friend off.
    0 points
  6. This caught me off guard and I laughed very loud.
    -1 points
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