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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/29/2008 in Posts

  1. alright well i dont know what else to say at least i tried to get past the great wall of columbus racing.
    2 points
  2. hi everyone i have been wanting to get into cars for 2 years now and i think its finally time. ever since i got my license a whole 2 years ago...(only 18 i know...) i've wanted to have a fast(er) car. i did not trust myself at first to have a faster car so i decided to wait until my second car. well its to that point where i finally want to get a new car and start getting into it. im not sure if you have to have a fast car to be part of these forums...or if you can just be an enthusiast like me. you may like me or you may not but thanks for at least reading my introduction and hopefully i can sell my car soon enough to get into this scene! thanks, Josh
    1 point
  3. howardforums.com i believe. Bitpim is a program that allows you to save contacts calender and transfer pictures and videos.
    1 point
  4. I'm with Kevin on the diesel truck thing. If I see a spot like this, I will park the Cummins across two of these stupid spaces. Asshats.....
    1 point
  5. when you come up tommarow i will learn you your phone . :thumbup:
    0 points
  6. you're only seeing the 'non-success stories', you don't see the people whose lives have been saved by the surgery. and patients should be on multivitamins after the surgery. it is definitely a fairly drastic measure, i will admit--but sometimes the only thing that can get these people to lose weight. the surgery is CLEARLY not for everyone. that is why the requirements are fairly strict to be a candidate (documented attempts at a physician/nutritionist guided diets, medical comorbidities, a thorough psych screening, etc.). and yes, it is possible to 'defeat' the surgery with low volume/high calorie foods that clear out of your stomach rapidly--but that is rare. i don't need a new line, the one i'm using is perfectly fine.
    0 points
  7. Why can't it just die with the mullet
    0 points
  8. To be honest, I like that more than the Camaro.
    0 points
  9. then stop fucking posting you dick. no one cares how you feel because it is a discussion forum fag. if it hurts your eyes so much, get the fuck out. you dont own this board. noobs are what keep this shit going, remeber hal, you were once a noob to. no one sticks on this forum forever, people that have been here since it started are few and far between. and im not telling him what he can and cant eat. im just giving an opinion. you call me out personally everytime for no reason. if he is so unhealthy, dieting is not the only thing he needs to do. being active would be step 1, eating correctly is step 2, getting enough rest is step 3, not being stressed is 4, and continuing to be positive is step 5. if you want to bash me for not being a certified dietician than do it, but i will easily say for free advice and havng more knowledge than anyone else on this board on this perticular subject, its worth listening to.
    0 points
  10. boo hoo motherfucker, good to be rid of you. srsly tho, who will defend me when i post stupid threads?
    -1 points
  11. TY! :thumbup: +Rep 4 U! KillJoy
    -1 points
  12. I wouldn't dump a load... she be havin down syndrome babies and shit.
    -2 points
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