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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/25/2008 in all areas

  1. Name is James and I own a 2000 Pontiac Trans Am. Its got some bolts on and small stuff. I am originally from Columbus and I am 20 years old. http://a503.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/72/l_f9239be0b4fd6ce7806f3cadf7a79a36.jpg
    1 point
  2. It's been a long year and a long past couple days, but my daughter is here! Brianna Grace, born on Tuesday at 4:15pm. Weighing 8 pounds, 8 ounces, and measuring 21.5" long! She has a full thick hair of head and beautiful blue eyes (for now!!) My entire world is different now. . . .she's so beautiful and precious to me. Here's a picture of her. I wish you and yours the best this Christmas and New Years. MERRY CHRISTMAS! (MINE CAME EARLY!!!) http://c1.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/25/l_4dadb34f244f45a2b55c717cd1f7dfd0.jpg LOOK AT ALL THAT HAIR!!!! http://c1.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/33/l_789ff002053f4e4d875e4648306ba408.jpg
    1 point
  3. You know, somehow I knew you would be on here too Tim. I thought it was finally time to start being social in the local area since I've been here for a year now. I'm going to be working on finalizing plans for ZdayZ this next week or so. We'll be there one way or another! Wow, now that's truly a function-meets-form vehicle. Very nice! This is the absolute truth. I can understand where you're coming from - it definitely takes a healthy amount of time and budget to keep both "happy". When I was looking for a DD replacement, I was literally on the verge of picking up a 2001 S4 at a local European dealership. Then I realized that I would become either really happy or really broke between the two cars. Congrats on the soon-to-happen S4 purchase!
    1 point
  4. Yep - I stumbled upon it in a snowstorm, the day it arrived at a local Nissan dealership. I originally felt like I made a compromise by not having t-tops. Then I realized that the slightly lower curb weight and increased chassis stiffness made it a perfect candidate for a twin turbo motor swap. (All hard tops were non-turbo only in the U.S.) Combined with the shorter gearing in the NA model and the quicker spooling turbos (smaller exhaust housing) on the VG30DETT from an automatic.... let's just say my face hurt from smiling the day after the conversion was complete. I went back and forth about adding a wing, but in the end I've come to love the wingless look.
    1 point
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