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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/2009 in all areas

  1. I have some very high hopes of one day being able to post schnauzies.
    1 point
  2. I have to get this out of my system. SEC SPEEEEEEEEEEEED
    1 point
  3. Turns out, I actually don't have any more pics beyond the one at the bottom of this post The car's being stored in my grandma's garage for the winter, so I don't know when I'll have a chance to get more pictures. I'll try to if I stop by there some time, though I won't likely drive it out for a wh It is in fact my dad's name on the title; it's his car, though I may be taking it off his hands when he takes over my uncle's 68 Firebird project (when my uncle finally admits he's not doing shit with it.) The Vair been bored and stroked 30 over, rebuilt 20k miles ago. Also, had a slightly hotter cam thrown in, but I'm unsure of the specs. Sadly, though, it's an autotragic.... it'd be significantly more fun if it had a 3- or 4-speed. Coincidentally, we may be swapping for a different transmission soon; my dad's resarching what's an easy swap into the car. http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a169/collinfoust/corvair1.jpg?t=1230943444 Also, I've got some buddies out in California who are into cars, mostly RX7 guys, a couple Nissan guys, but one of 'em bought a Corvair shell, and found an original Corvair turbo engine. It's a rather odd look for the car, but you might get a kick out of this, too: http://photos-d.ll.facebook.com/photos-ll-sf2p/v357/51/14/82000840/n82000840_30653707_8858.jpg http://photos-e.ll.facebook.com/photos-ll-sf2p/v357/51/14/82000840/n82000840_30653708_9158.jpg He's in the process of rebuilding the engine right now, and talking about trying to find a way to swap in a Subaru engine at some point. Now wnaplay, if you don't mind, I think it's your turn to post some pics of your Vair. This site needs more Corvair lovin!
    1 point
  4. Loading now...watching later. http://www.watch-movies.net/movies/gran_torino/ #3, "Watch Full" looks like quality. Enjoy. I'll take my rep too. KTHNXXX
    1 point
  5. So what do i need to do now just wait for everone to vote and let me in?
    1 point
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