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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/2009 in Posts

  1. Sure thing! EDIT, here you go http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i169/1fynzx/mater1.jpg
    2 points
  2. It was Les and I. I pre-planned and brought trash bags after seeing all the trash left from the week before and when talking to Les earlier asked him for help as well as a few other friends...Les was the only one to stay, then I followed him to Advanced Auto on 23. We even talked to the cops a little bit, and it seems that if we have permission Columbus cops don't care. They just don't like getting calls from companies that don't want us in their lots. I thought that it would be a bit respectful in either case. I like meeting up and just talking away and hanging out. Id rather do that then watch TV. Ill volunteer to pick up trash if thats what it takes to stay in a single spot.
    1 point
  3. i use that user name on forza so i decided to use it on here and i know all about the whole team putout thing im up at the meets all the time
    1 point
  4. I don't post in this section normally, but as someone new to the area it sucks to see someone like OH8STi bashing everybody who joins the site that he thinks doesn't have a good enough car, or that he thinks he can pick on. I am glad he wasn't a member here when I joined. It would have given me a really bad impression of the club.
    0 points
  5. and as far as racing in parking lots.. it seems to me that its more of the lil v6 mustangs and bagged s10's that race threw the parking lots which is super gay and the same reason we never can stay in one lot for more than a few weeks...
    0 points
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