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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/2010 in all areas

  1. Clearly you're still talking dot...not feather, then.
    2 points
  2. I'm considering designing and building my own personal aircraft. I am curious how law enforcement would react to a small personalized aircraft. Capable of point to point transport via VTOL and a rheudamentary 3 wheel drive system for moving about on the ground (maybe even bicycle based ground movement) I live in a small township a dozen miles from a small town. My intent for building this craft is for personal transport to town and other places that are short range trips nearby. If I were to build such a contraption, and fly it, how would local law enforcement react? would I be tracked down and arrested, or ignored? (assuming I don't crash, land in parking lots, don't invade airport airspace, etc etc...) I'd particularly like to hear from the leos on the board, but everyone's comments are welcome of course.
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. I think I am more disturbed by all your comments than the video... That's some sick shit.. All those girls where/are bar whores that accidentally got knocked up and still crave the attention... to the chick in the platforms.. Lol
    1 point
  5. From a cursory glance at the VPC website: This is a text book case of bad statistical work. There is no time frame, circumstances, or reference shown. For example, the "total people killed by handgun permit holders" category. Were they killed with a gun? Could they be pulling from instances of vehicular manslaughter? The driver has their conceal and carry permit is involved in a fatal car crash. So technically a CCW has killed someone. There are two kinds of people who carry guns: law-abiding citizens and criminals. If we outlaw guns, which group will comply and which will not? Criminals will get guns and use them no matter what. At best an armed populace lowers the overall crime rate, at worst it causes every criminal to think "is this person armed?" before they commit a crime. Most dictators after seizing power do two things: disarm the populace, and then kill the opposition. An unarmed populace is easily cowed, controlled and oppressed. And what are you going to do if the King of England comes in and starts pushing you around? huh?
    1 point
  6. Since I just recently saw Saw 3D, I was thinking Saw-like justice. Have the driver wake up with his balls super glued to an exercise bike's seat. Have a car that is going 60 mph suspended from the ground about 10 yards behind the exercise bike. The perp has 60 seconds to get off the bike and press the button to stop the car from being lowered and subsequently running him over.
    1 point
  7. Cincinnati? Your chances of completing the commute without catching a bullet or going flat after running over a crack vial have to weigh on that statistic don't they?
    1 point
  8. The US is not a growth market for Harley Davidson. Everybody who has three teeth and can sign their name to a 104month payment plan already has. The Indian economy is all growth though, from the jobs we have sent that way, to a high tech emerging economy. Setting up a factory there is one of the wisest things HD has done in a while. Seriously, they're still busting out Royal Enfields with little advancement to the 1950's era design. Harley will fit in well.
    1 point
  9. Could just make Android apps..... no extra hardware needed and there will soon be more people using Android than ios.
    1 point
  10. cheat http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-install-mac-os-x-on-a-pc-without-using-a-mac/ also, keep in mind you can probably use other hardware too. perhaps, even hardware you have already. ever since they switched to intel chips, i don't see why not. i'm sure other things are different, however. make one of the uber nerds on this forum work for you.
    1 point
  11. Awesome!!! You all can send all your positive rep this way cuz I think I really came thru on suggesting this lol!
    1 point
  12. Good luck on your search for the Mac. I've bought all of my Apple computers from the refurbished section of Apple's online store. They come with a one year warranty and have performed flawlessly for many years. (My dual G5 worked great until it died after almost 3 years and 3 months of abuse (yes, that's 3-months after Applecare expired). http://store.apple.com/us/browse/home/specialdeals/mac?mco=OTY2ODY3Nw Oh yeah, of course the new craiglook is a great place to look for deals. http://cleveland.ebayclassifieds.com/computers-tech/north-ridgeville/imac-g3-apple-computer/?ad=2839563
    1 point
  13. Does anyone have an update on how the Mercedes is doing?
    1 point
  14. Hello Ohio :bangbang:. Yes, I am definitely NOT from Ohio, though I've driven through your state twice.. and now TWO of my previous cars are in your area.. The first one being a 1992 Mustang LX hatch, black exterior, black interior.. one of 512! I'd swapped a 5.4 shortblock into it, with fully worked 93 cobra heads.. Best 1/4 time being 11.8@114MPH Sold it to a guy in Michigan who replaced the rusting hatch, then promptly sold it to a guy in OH. Latest sale being to Bucky531, my 2003 Regal GS.. He put more miles on the car driving back from CA to OH than I'd put on it in over 2 years.. I still have a 2001 Rustang GT.. Stock bottom end. Ran a 7.8@92 MPH in the 1/8th (it's the best we have close by I'm a fan of the full 1/4! Trust me, hat's all we had in NJ).. that was running a base 2 core IC procharger setup.. Currently working on a 3 core intercooler, 3.1" blower pulley and better air intake, as Bucky can attest to.. As well as a rice burning 2010 v6 Camry SE with modified VVTi and trans tuning tables as my daily driver. My current decent remaining ride: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs011.snc1/4192_188301505211_580655211_7109734_494256_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs011.snc1/4192_188301510211_580655211_7109735_3119302_n.jpg http://i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh114/montecitan/user3965_pic2795_1243658410.jpg And the latest icing on the cake: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs687.snc4/62730_10150264092180212_580655211_14919244_1667726_n.jpg I may not be local, but definitely like to have fun.. Hope to talk with you guys soon -Ryan
    1 point
  15. I have 3 Hondas and a Suzi (That I want to get rid of, funds would be nice toward another honda).
    1 point
  16. http://www.igonemobile.com/product|p|24607.html
    0 points
  17. Read the post before you comment..... Tisk Tisk on everyone hating on Rangers. My parents owned Rangers my whole life and haven't had any problems with them. I currently own an 08 ranger regular cab, speed, I4 and have not had a single problem with it. Also on the upside its cheap to fix and parts are readily available if need be.
    -1 points
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