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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/2011 in all areas

  1. Bah, needs more deer. http://www.adamdaley.com/max/Deerme.jpg
    1 point
  2. Bought my wee new and it was my very first bike. I had heard that it was not a good beginner bike as it is too top heavy for newbs at slow speeds. Well I have survived for 22,000 miles and handling this big girl has never been a problem. I'm a large fellow so I upgraded the front springs and may soon have the rear shock rebuilt for my fat ass. The wind management from the original wind screen is absolutely horrible. Speeds above 45mph can produce migrane-like headaches. But that is an easy fix. I am a fairly conservative rider but I have had little problems keeping up with all my buds that owned the big vee. I have loaded it up and ridden freeways and back roads and never felt that I needed more hp. I have the zuk gel seat and it was comfortable for my longest trip of 400 miles. Having never ridden a sport bike, I have no idea how it handles compared to a sportier bike. Good luck with your purchase and enjoy the ride.
    1 point
  3. F4is are girls' bikes. Just like SVs.
    1 point
  4. C'mon stumpy... spend AT LEAST a season (3k-5k miles+) with the 250. That's about the amount of time it'll take for you to learn the pros/cons of the bike and the hobby anyway. The point being -- you won't appreciate your 250 for what it is (a simple, easy, cost-effective, more than sufficient commuter bike) until after you get a different bike and start rattling off a list in your head of why the 250 was better for the street than your new bike. Enjoy your time with it.
    1 point
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