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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/11/2011 in Posts

  1. Hey everyone, my name is Joe. I just turned 19 in February and just started taking classes at OSU. I’m studying Mechanical Engineering and also thinking about studying some business management. I like a variety of toys from guns to cars; anything that goes boom or has a motor it is interesting to me. I currently own three cars and a bike, here’s some info: 2000 Pontiac V6 Firebird (my DD) Only bolt-ons here. Intake, full exhaust, chip, stereo, and some suspension work. Got the car when I was 16, back then I wanted to autoX it; that’s why I have a lot of suspension mods. But I soon realized that it would take a lot of money to make it remotely fast. 1992 Toyota V6 Camry Bone stock! I flip cars and this is my current investment. 2005 Honda Shadow 750cc Just got this last summer, it’s my first bike and I love it. My dad has a VTX1300 so I wanted something similar to cruise around with him on. It’s not the fastest bike by any means but it’s great for cruising Ohio’s country roads. And I’ll be honest cruisers aren’t my favorite; but I needed to start on something slower before I aim for my dream bike, a CBR 1000. 1996 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS This has been my little project over the past two years or so. It still needs a LOT of work to get it right. But all great things take time… and money haha. I won’t go into too much detail here but I basically pulled the motor, rebuilt it and the tranny, and then boosted it. It’s nothing too special, 325hp at the wheels on 14lbs. of boost. I just got the motor broken in so now I can turn up the boost. I’m still working on some reasonable pictures. But for now feel free to look at some pictures I have of my Eclipse and Firebird on my FQuick. http://www.fquick.com/silVerSIXf-body I’m a nooby here, and I get that. But I’m not some one who’s going to open a new thread saying “hi.”, or asking a question that’s been answered time and time again. I’m open for comments here so let me know what you think. I’ll get some pics. up here shortly so everyone doesn’t have to go to my FQuick. Happy driving! -Joe-
    5 points
  2. Childhood schoolmate started this recently. Keeps posting on his facebook about it, & telling people to contact him if interested, as he feels like he has so much energy, & is losing weight. He also posts a lot about his Kirby store & how many sweepers his staff are selling in their quest to become #1 dealer in the world I'm getting ready to put him on "ignore"
    1 point
  3. Keep your beer off the floor with this fine end table. Real wood, none of that chip board stuff here. Replace that stack of stolen milk crates with this premium end table....Now with drawer!!! You pick up.
    1 point
  4. look on the top right corner of your screen. There's a word "Search", click it. There will be a box, type in it "insurance" OH the marvels of technology.
    1 point
  5. http://www.racecar-engineering.com/articles/nascar/the-secrets-of-laurel-hill/
    1 point
  6. This is just God getting back at Japan for killing whales!
    1 point
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