i thought everyone on this site loved stereotypes as much as I do Surprised to see so many people getting bent out of shape over some bad jokes and a little ribbing. There is truth at the root of all stereotypes, or they wouldn't have become stereotypes in the first place. News flash: blinged-out 'busas with huge stretches, chrome swing-arms, and lots of neons stand out more than stock bikes being ridden responsibly. Guess which one people notice more often. Personally, I don't like the styling of Hayabusas, but I absolutely respect the R&D that has gone into them. Really awesome bikes for the purpose they were designed. Now that said, I think they definitely do attract a disproportionate amount of douchebags that generally fall into 2 categories: - white guys who add 4 times more horsepower than is practical for any human to drag race. - black guys who spend their money on chrome and fatter tires instead of the child support they probably owe (it's a joke - relax. I don't really think EVERY black guy is a dead-beat dad) I'm sure there are many 'busa riders who don't fit either category, and some that do fit one of those categories, but really aren't douchebags. Doesn't make it less funny ot me. but seriously, one of the most hysterical things i have EVER seen was a young black male parking his blinged-out 'busa and walking into "Pay Days" loans. He had gloves on, but no other gear. Living the stereotype.