1,000+ years of inter-country fighting in the Middle East- they're never going to get along. Step 1: All troops outta there, pronto. Step 2: Weather forecast for the first day after the last soldier is gone: 3,000 degrees and sunny. Step 3: Two new states: East Virginia and East Carolina. Gas back to $0.25 / gallon, no more war, all soldiers are home safe and sound.
http://www.metroparks.net/xxParksBattelleDarbyFacilitiesReservable.aspx Cedar Ridge Lodge is rentable for pretty cheap, bring your own caterer, you'd have to set something up yourself for booze though. AWESOME foliage though. http://www.burroakstateparklodge.com/catering-conference-services-938.html Burr Oak also would have nice foliage and seems to have options for catering/bring your own and beverage service. Not sure on price though. Also a little further out.
http://www.haimerlcenter.com/index.htm On Morse Road, just west of Karl. No liquor, only beer/wine/champagne (w/licensed bartender). Any caterer allowed. Not super swanky, and no trailers visible. Useless fact: Used to be a Columbus Public Library.