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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/2012 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone, I have been a member for the better part of a decade but my username and stuff is gone so I am here again. Hope to see some of you at Trails Tomorrow. Stewart ok so I was on here back in the day when i had my 03 Sentra Spec V. I have attended many of the car shows and a few track days. Now I own a pair of Mazda's and here they are: 2007 Mazda 3 Grand Touring (daily driver) : http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/420608_10150740288406528_515266527_11522522_1715726675_n.jpg 1996 Mazda Miata (Auto X and Track day Fun) : http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/311054_10150460408651528_515266527_10561282_965640523_n.jpg Hope all this helps, It will be nice to get back into things.
    2 points
  2. This thing is alot like Ron Jeremy- Ugly as hell but you know it would be a fun ride
    2 points
  3. So yesterday I leave my house to drop my bike off in a nice dry garage before the rain hit. So I get like 100ft down the road and notice a fricking nat in my visor, cool whatever, I just pull off to the side of the road, take off my helmet, get the thing out, double checked to make sure he was gone, yup no more bug. So I put the helmet back on and the lil shit flies right inside my visor again b4 I close it. So I take off my helmet again(a group of people behind me are prob thinking wtf is this guy doing) and remove the bug yet again(or so I thought) so ya the helmet is back on and im driving again, I get to the end of the street and turn on to the main road. The next thing I see is this damn nat in my helmet again, at this point im more worried bout the traffic around me than the annoying nat, althougj I keep blowing at it so he doesnt fly into my eye. So I come to a red light, open my visor, blow on the nat and he flys out, then flys right back in b4 I close it. So the light turns green and I go, nat still in my helm and drive another 10 or so miles b4 I hit another red light. At this light im just like screw it, so I open my visor and leave it open, we start moving again and next thing I know I get smacked in the eye by Another, much larger bug. That shit hurt like hell, so I quicky close my visor b4 I get hit in the eye and lose vision in both eyes(the nat is still in my helmet) so I drive the next 3 or so miles with 1 eye closed and that damn nat still in my helmet b4 I finallly reach my destination. No real point to this story, so dont bother reading it. Im sure there are a bunch of typos and whatnot, but im on a phone so idc. Anywho thats my rant for the day, TLDR.
    1 point
  4. :welcome: and don't worry, English is not a specialty of many members on this site.
    1 point
  5. Correction I will not eat human meat! NO to carnivorism!!! Poontang is good! I thought you wanted peni$? Now you want tongue and Peni$? Damn you are needed! Can I get a sammich? Please! Mustard not mayo! Oh and only French's Mustard!
    1 point
  6. I always ride on the balls of my feet......maybe that explains the swelling and ache when I pee:dunno:
    1 point
  7. Happy Birthday! Hope your wife picked you up a Glock.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. here ya go... http://www.knife-depot.com/knife-215768.html
    1 point
  10. just posting in this thread to celebrate the new picture tpoppa has for his avatar. It's the Nature Boy, son! and don't you fucking forget it.
    1 point
  11. I liked that whoever did this put so much emphasis on in order to survive, you still need to maintain the social order of things. I'm incredibly tired of over-the-top "preppers" automatically assuming that whatever happens to cause them to engage their planning also completely wipes out the entire social structure of humanity in the process. This has been proven false in every way again and again in actual natural/manmade disasters, and these assholes need to stop basing their reality on Mad Max.
    1 point
  12. Lots of points in there I hadn't thought about...
    1 point
  13. Pragmatic and not over-the-top. I can get behind this.
    1 point
  14. Will the time never come?:sheepfucker:
    1 point
  15. She is trying to get a new mattress and box springs from midget Todd, so she is going to need help breaking it in!!
    1 point
  16. started this today.. Mr Seth Rock at Red Rabbit Studio is the shit.. He is a true artist.. this is what the tattoo is.
    1 point
  17. http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/17hw5luwbgp1dgif/original.gif
    1 point
  18. your hands are crazy wrinkly
    0 points
  19. 0 points
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