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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/2012 in all areas

  1. Ok so REally long story short, I've been looking at newer trucks for awhile and was planning on buying toward the end of the year.. I was driving a 2003 Suburban... well the other day i was leaving for the bank when a rottwieler got out of its fence across the street. it was running diagonally from behind me to cross the street after some other dogs. i never saw him coming. The dog run straight into the rear passenger door of the HUGE BLACK SUBURBAN!! put a bowling ball size dent in the door.(dog was fine little fucker shook it off ).. i went to Krieger Ford on Morse road as i know the owners.. had an estimate drawn up for the ladies insurance. $1600 the door had to be replaced. I wasn't concerned as i didn't have to pay for it... while i was there the wife. goes OH look at THAT truck... What did she happen to pick out... a 2010 Ford SVT Raptor well after talking to my friend.. we worked out a substantial deal... on my suburban and the Raptor.. and i drove that baby home! soo here ya go... 2010 Ford SVT Raptor 6.2L 413Hp. 434Ftlbs on the fly 4x4, Tow Package, Ford Sync Leather, Power everything, heated seats. Everything but Navigation 30k on the clock, with a 7year 100k bumper to bumper Ford factory warranty
    1 point
  2. An Ace or any of those listed is an hour round trip trip for me but worth it. I picked this one for their unusual sign. Congrats to QuikAccord for beating me to the challenge.
    1 point
  3. I chose an ace hardware bc they are more rare around here. Next challenge: with a fallen tree with the roots sticking up! Hurry before they all get cut up!!! lol
    1 point
  4. And yet, you posted it anyhow. If you don't want to pay the cash, thats fine, but this would have been better-sent as a PM. Kind of like this response.
    1 point
  5. The duc did a little offroading today! Pics to come. It was a nice hard pack dirt and gravel.. Kicked it in enduro mode and had some fun
    1 point
  6. I received my SSD from Joe today in A+ condition. If he would have told me it was brand new never used I would have believed him. Drive arrived in all original packaging and packed well with foam in a priority mail box. Don't be afraid to do business with Joe!
    1 point
  7. I usually have a copy of DBAN on hand for things like that. Just pop it in, boot up, and select how many overwrites you want and leave it till its done. -edit- Looks like Flounder beat me to it
    1 point
  8. Download the DBAN ISO and let it run..
    1 point
  9. I'm confused as to what vvvpr is. I thought Casper exposed it as a guerilla marketing firm for hire, but I wouldn't expect such a business to be offended by our political "ignorance." P.S. I guess the trolling serves to bump the threads. If I were a mod, I would have made the mistake of banning this spammer from the start (like Twitter did) and deprived the board of all this amusement.
    1 point
  10. Nivin, we do ride a lot of motoseries days, but it's hard to pass up a midohio day right after an AMA race. You should come check it out. Midohio also has an excellent novice program.
    1 point
  11. Wait congress is restricted by the constitution? Can't we just mandate English under the "general welfare" clause? Or can't we tax people who choose to not learn English?
    1 point
  12. http://www.pokezam.com/tcg/base/45.jpg
    1 point
  13. Golf? Are you landscaping a course or something?
    1 point
  14. Obama should be impeached for this. Seriously. The fact that he won't deport young adults who were brought here by no choice of their own, are educated, have lived here most of their lives, are functioning, contributing members are our society just makes me sick. He should be taking these people, most of whom have no ties to any country other than the United States, and drop them in the middle of the desert in Mexico. That seems like a fitting punishment for the crime of sitting in a stroller while one's parents crossed the border.
    1 point
  15. My stickdogs. Orion, the white with brown spots, came from a kill shelter soon before he was scheduled to be euthanized. He gets along with everyone and everything, from my kids' hamsters to deer in the backyard - just kind of wanders out to say hi to them thru the fence once in awhile. No idea how old he is, but he's slowing down to the point where we almost need to walk them separately:(. Lucy was a racer, only ran 8 races before the track discarded her, won and placed third in the last two (WTF??). I've only seen her at full speed once; pretty impressive (46mph on dad's radar gun).
    1 point
  16. Here is our 3 year old greyhound Phoenix:
    1 point
  17. Supreme Court ruling re "National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius" means corporations can use federal law to force people to buy their products. SCOTUS OBAMACARE DECISION MAKES INDIVIDUAL MANDATE A FACT & UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE COVERAGE A FICTION If you want to read all 974 pages of the deceptively-titled "Patient Protection And Affordable Healthcare Act" (the actual Obamacare law) you can do so here: http://www.healthcare.gov/law/full/ If you want to read all 193 pages of the obscurely-styled "National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius" U.S. Supreme Court decision (the actual Obamacare ruling) you can do so here: http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/11pdf/11-393c3a2.pdf As was the case with F. James ("Fat Jim") Sensenbrenner Jr.'s USA Patriot Act, NDAA 2012, HR347, HR658, HR3606 and so many other corporate-backed bills that have taken us down the slippery slope from freedom to fascism and widened the gap between our ruler Haves (the 1%) and serf Have Nots (the 99%), there's a good chance your Senators and Representative in Washington didn't read the law before they passed it. There's a better chance the television talking heads tripping over themselves to tell you what to think about the SCOTUS Obamacare decision didn't read that either... http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/thu-june-28-2012/cnn---fox-news-report-supreme-court-decision ...and it's a sad certainty that the vast majority of the American Sheeple (a) will never look up from their iPhones or away from their Fakebook pages long enough to read either the new "healthcare" rules or the ruling that proclaimed them "Constitutional" and (b) wouldn't understand all the deliberately obfuscated legalspeak if they did. So where can Average Joe get the plain and simple truth about the "Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA)" and the Supreme Court's "NFIB v. Sebelius (11-393)" ruling? Well according to the "truth in politics" (ugh!) watchdogs at FactCheck.org, he won't get it from Barack Obama (a.k.a. Odrona the Indefinite Detainer), and he won't get it from Mitt Romney (a.k.a. the Godfather of Obamacare)... 'With the U.S. Supreme Court upholding the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act on June 28, voters are guaranteed to continue hearing the same old false claims about the law from politicians. And President Barack Obama and presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney wasted little time in taking to the airwaves to rehash plenty we've fact-checked before. Obama even threw in a few new claims. * Obama reiterated his "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan" refrain, despite the fact that at least a few million workers won't keep their employer-sponsored plans, according to the Congressional Budget Office. * The president also exaggerated the benefits of the law, such as the number of young adults who were able to join their parents' plans, thanks to the law, and the number of individuals who will receive rebates issued by insurance companies that didn't spend enough premium dollars on health care. * Romney repeated a number of distortions, saying that the law would "cut Medicare" by $500 billion and that it "adds trillions to our deficits." That's a reduction in the future growth of Medicare spending over 10 years. And CBO says the law would reduce the deficit. * Romney said the law is a "job-killer." But CBO says the law would have a "small" impact on jobs, mainly affecting the amount of labor workers choose to supply. Those getting subsidies, for instance, might work less hours since they're paying less for health care. * Romney claimed the law "puts the federal government between you and your doctor." The law would set minimum benefits packages, but medical services will not be government-run, nor does the law allow for rationing of care.' http://factcheck.org/2012/06/romney-obama-uphold-health-care-falsehoods/ Average Joe won't get the plain and simple truth about what the SCOTUS Obamacare decision really means from Congress, from TV coverage, or from the corporate-sponsored political puppets representing either side of the "Two-Party Tyranny" the global elite use to keep us divided and fighting each other rather than united and attacking them. Fortunately, however, he can get a glimpse of it here: "A deeply divided Court held that the individual mandate, which requires that virtually all Americans either obtain health insurance or pay a penalty by 2014, is constitutional... Defending the constitutionality of the mandate, the government's primary argument was that Congress can require everyone to buy health insurance using its power under the Commerce Clause of the Constitution, because the failure to buy insurance shifts the costs of health care for the uninsured to health-care providers, insurance companies, and everyone who does have health insurance. Five Justices - the Chief Justice and Justices Kennedy, Scalia, Thomas, and Alito - all rejected that argument. But the government still won, because a different set of five Justices – the Chief Justice and Justices Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan – agreed that the mandate was constitutional, but for a different reason... Although the Chief Justice rejected the government's Commerce Clause argument, he agreed with one of the government's alternative arguments: the mandate imposes a tax on people who do not buy health insurance, and that tax is something that Congress can impose using its constitutional taxing power." http://www.scotusblog.com/2012/06/todays-health-care-decision-in-plain-english/ The bottom line is this: As were "Citizens United v. FEC" (which allows global and even foreign corporations to buy our elections) and "AT&T Mobility v. Concepcion" (which makes consumer class actions against corporations infinitely more difficult), the SCOTUS "NFIB v. Sebelius" decision is a BIG WIN for corporations in general and health care and insurance companies in particular. Contrary to the claims of clueless Obamapologists from coast to coast, neither Obamacare nor this ruling "paves the way for Universal Healthcare Coverage". Instead, they set the precedent for more individual mandates by which the corporations that control our politicians and through them our government can order us to order their products. REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS: ALL PROBLEMS, NO SOLUTION. END TWO-PARTY TYRANNY: OUR SECOND REVOLUTION! ### NOTE TO TWITTER USERS: Since our recent unrelated disclosures that (a) eating a bowl of Cheerios is no more "heart healthy" than eating a bowl of dirt ( http://bit.ly/zDYa45 ) and (b) many American Bikers suffer from Sensenbrenner Syndrome ( http://bit.ly/MBBIBQ ), tweets from @VVVPR are being blocked from the Twitter search stream. If you are a Twitter user, we ask you to contact @Support and demand this corporate fascist censorship be ended: https://support.twitter.com/forms/general?subtopic=web_search ### IronBoltBruce via VVV PR ( http://veritasvirtualvengeance.com | http://twitter.com/vvvpr ) Related Image: http://veritasvirtualvengeance.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/individual_mandate.jpg Related Video (A MUST SEE): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuvkXqE8HDw Tag: #obamacare, #romneycare, #healthcare, #scotus, #sebelius, #aca, #universalhealthcare, #sensenbrenner, #democrats, #republicans, #gop, #demopublicans, #bushbamney, #obama, #romney, #fascism, #fascists, #kleptocracy, #anonymous, #ows, #revolution Key: obamacare, romneycare, healthcare, health care, scotus, supreme court, nfib v. sebelius, affordable healthcare act, affordable care act, aca, sebelius, single payer, universal healthcare, universal health care, sensenbrenner, democrats, republicans, gop, bushbamney, obama, romney, fascism, fascists, kleptocracy, anonymous, ows, revolution
    -1 points
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