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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/15/2012 in all areas

  1. You all probably know Pauly the ride nazi but let me tell you a little bit about Pauly the businessman. Yesterday I took my wheels and tires off my Vision down to him to mount my new tires. He starts with the front one and it goes pretty smooth real stiff sidewall but it finally goes on without a hitch. Then comes the rear tire we fought with that thing and tried every setting on his no-mar machine possible and it would not lock in. So we go inside and watch a video on no-mar site and see that they have other attachments for the machine that Pauly doesn't have. At this point a lot of people would say sorry dude can't help you but not Pauly he says he will order the attachments and let me know when the tire is done that is amazing customer service there. So I log on this morning and see PM from Pauly those attachments just cost him $300 Pauly you are the man you rock. So guys we need to flood Pauly with business if you are in the Ravenna area or even remotely close give him your tire business you can ship your tires right to him and go have them put on. Tell all your friends they will not find better service any where and I doubt they'd ever find it cheaper.
    1 point
  2. http://www.midohio.com/Schedule/Buckeye-Superbike-Weekend-2012 So who all is going? Camping? You gotta camp. As has been tradition is years past, we will be in the campgrounds. If you haven't been, you certainly should come. It's a fantastic weekend of racing, friends, camping, telling lies, etc. I believe Carie is going up Friday morning to setup camp. Anyone wanting to go help would be much appreciated. She'd probably even supply you with beer. We'll probably bring a grill again if anyone wants to bring meats and whatnot. As always, this will be a great weekend. Even when it rains we have a blast. If there's interest in having dinner Friday or Saturday night in town, we should work on getting reservations made. Anyone know of a place up there with a party room or the such we could reserve?
    1 point
  3. Umbrella Girls: I tried taking a picture of the Yamaha banner, but the umbrella girl walked right in front of the banner as I was taking the picture?
    1 point
  4. it's not the machine that scratches the rims. it's a careless operator. the part that puts the tire on and off the rim doesn't touch the rim at all. only the clamps do. the only reason to buy a nomar changer is it's portability. I can't believe they ask $1299 for it. http://www.eagleequip.com/product/GLO-400.html http://www.bestbuyautoequipment.com/Tire-Changers-s/286.htm
    1 point
  5. If you are using your own golf cart ( as in one that was not rented for the weekend from the track) to be legal, you need a "vehilce pass". This is like a wrist band for the golf cart. I don't think they really enforce this rule. The vehicle pass cost is $100 according to mid-Ohio webpage. I do know that if you have an Ohio handicap parking tag ( the blue deal that hangs off the car mirror) Mid-ohio will give you this golf cart vehicle passs for free.
    1 point
  6. I'll be up there Friday- Sunday. Anyone heading up early Friday? Was thinking of holding down an area for us to set up in.
    1 point
  7. 0 points
  8. Hey. Got a few (sorta) fast cars, and hardly time to keep 'em running. I love to read, won't have much to say unless I feel I can contribute positively. Yay, me.
    -1 points
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