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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/13/2012 in all areas

  1. Some of you ppl on here must be on some good drugs cause you are fucking out there in your thinking..
    2 points
  2. Got a new BCM gunfighter grip for my shorty AR so I thought I would try some new pictures.
    1 point
  3. I use Handcent as well, guess I need to look into their other options, lol.
    1 point
  4. That's right folks, I rode 50 miles yesterday in Pelotonia and I didn't die! Woo! Big kudos to all the volunteers, and special thanks to the motorcyclists from here and BMC who chatted with me along the way. Gotta say, that was awesome and it was great seeing you all out there. Here are a few pics: Yeah, that guy really rode 50 miles on his BMX bike. It really was an awesome event, and I highly encourage anyone and everyone to sign up and do it next year. I'm a slow, 30-something, out of shape, beer drinking, sometimes smoking, pathetic excuse for a bicyclist and made it just fine. In fact, next year I'm planning to go for the 100 miles. If anyone is still interested in throwing a couple bucks towards my rider page, feel free. I believe were still raising money until sometime in October. Every dollar helps, and Limited Brands matches every dollar I raise. -- https://www.mypelotonia.org/riders_profile.jsp?MemberID=184453 Next year, I'd really like to get Ohio Riders more involved. This really is a great cause. We've all been affected by cancer in some way. If and when a cure is found, it'd be nice to know that you had a hand in that.
    1 point
  5. It depends, does your butt plug vibrate? If it does, you can say it is a neck massager. Now it is a tool! Problem solved!!
    1 point
  6. true, but not everyone can simultaneously put speakers on a couch, and throw some bows...
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. anyone can put speakers in their couch, magz. silly goose.
    1 point
  9. Clearly, it was a great weekend for me.
    1 point
  10. It's kinda hard to effectively get your elbow to the opposing forearm... That said, I'm never letting another dog bite me and live. That bitch is latched onto your arm already, and you got armor on? Hard kick to the stomach, and slam it into the pavement head first..hard punches to the throat... dead dog = no more dog bites.
    1 point
  11. You must be new here, every discussion gets distilled to guns eventually.
    1 point
  12. I would imagine if he has 'No Trespassing" signs posted he should be covered if someone comes on his property...illegal or otherwise. Why everyone believes that just because you cross the border illegally and walk into America you should get the same rights as an American citizen is beyond me as well. If someone is here without proper documents, they should be deported...immediately. If someone sneaks across the border and has a baby...guess what, they should be shipped back as well along with their little anchor child. If immigrants want to come here to work, that's fine just get temporary visas like everyone else is expected to do. It isn't that difficult of a concept.
    1 point
  13. like Brad said, now I'm good to go!
    1 point
  14. Didn't see any excuses. I'll stick with RCE, thanks.
    1 point
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