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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/16/2012 in Posts

  1. Leaving from the CircleK on the corner of 82 & 83 at 9:00AM 70mph pace on 55mph marked roads, 10mph over on all others, passing on double yellows at rider’s discretion and responsibility. No stunting or passing. Change of position in line will take place at stops. Help and questions will be offered and answered at stops. No one left behind and everyone will be grouped back together at all turns. This will be a much more relaxed ride than folks are used to if you have been on a ride with me leading before. I will do what I can to help anyone within my limited abilities; I have no formal coaching experience but have some track time. The first and last 60 miles of this ride will be straight and boring if you are new to riding with us is patient it gets good after Millersburg. We will be meeting some riders in Millersburg about 10:10AM but this is a guess, time can and will change based on many factors. Gas stops will be about 70 miles apart +/-10 miles. Total ride distance 294 miles and should take 7-1/2 hours, this is just a guess about time though. I need you to have a bike in good repair, full tank of gas when we leave and be on time. By on time I mean we start, kick-stands up, wheels turning at 9:00AM. If you are not willing to go 70mph on the straights or pass on double yellows please don't show up expecting us to wait for you. We will wait for you to go as slow as you need to in the curves, stay within your comfort zone. I you go over a center line coming out of a curve you are not in control, slow down. https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=OH-83+S%2FAvon+Belden+Rd%2FWooster-Avon+Lake+Rd&daddr=S+Washington+St+to:OH-83+S+to:W+Riverside+Dr%2FState+Route+60+N+to:OH-555+N%2FOH-78+W%2FOH-78+Scenic+W+to:Moxahala+Ave+to:39.927682,-82.0017361+to:Zane+St+to:OH-666+N%2FN+River+Rd+to:Main+St+to:W+9th+St+to:40.3353489,-82.0067627+to:Ohio+60+N%2FState+Route+60+N+to:US-62+E+to:W+Milltown+Rd+to:OH-82+W%2FElyria-Twinsburg+Rd%2FRoyalton+Rd&hl=en&sll=41.314366,-82.020887&sspn=0.00109,0.002411&geocode=FWhodgIdbXYc-w%3BFV9_agId-goe-w%3BFUbXXQIdPvgg-w%3BFZsBXQId5_Ee-w%3BFcAYXAIdOhcd-w%3BFUD9YAId_rIc-w%3BFYI_YQIduMAc-ykxMpJiXu43iDGcRqql0Ehqvg%3BFQKOYQIdJ8Uc-w%3BFdYxZAIdfMsc-w%3BFYwwZAIdwp4c-w%3BFVYqZAIdrooc-w%3BFfR3ZwIdFq0c-yndK5CZDZ03iDFgN9Fbdvi81g%3BFcTAaQIdHhAd-w%3BFUQuagIdsPcd-w%3BFfE3bwId86gd-w%3BFQdodgIdJnYc-w&mra=ls&via=6,11&t=m&z=8 To keep from reposting this: http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=20252&highlight=pace http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?p=884955#post884955 http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=98828 http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Delaney+ridesmart&oq=Delaney+ridesmart&gs_l=youtube-reduced.3..35i39.8999.17866.0.18626. Go find online or buy both Twist of the wrist and Twist of the wrist II ..... Everything below is out of order and from the original post. Ignore everything below it's confusing even to me. Deleting it would be best but I ain't gonna. <<<CHANGES>>> See post #37 for explination I will do both days if needed in case anyone made plans to do this on Saturday. Let me know if you were planning to do this and haven't spoke up publicly yet. See post #54 for my decision to flake on riding both days I will be riding Sunday only. My nephew is a new rider & I would like to expose him to riding the roads south of us so we are going out from 82 & 83 Saturday morning at 10:00AM. I have a route in mind with alternatives that will change based on how he is doing, minimum 181 miles maximum 296 miles. I haven't seen him ride yet but he picked up a TL1000 a few months ago and I'm guessing he is ready for some help. I'm kind of excited to take him out, I remember giving him rides when he was little and hope this is something we can share. I intend to make him go slow first doing things right so this will not be a ride like others might be used to with me. If anyone up our way is interested in this kind of ride you are welcome to join us.
    1 point
  2. What does she do when Howard's wearing your underwear and sings the "I feel pretty" song?
    1 point
  3. Ive been mildly active at best on here, only been on a few group rides and meet n greets and what have you, although i was much more this summer than in the past. Anyway, i believe opportunity is knocking and i'm not going to send her away!! Airplanes have always been my first true love and after all i have one in my garage im rebuilding come january I am taking the test for my Inspector Authorization (will be able to do an annual inspection on an aircraft and deem it airworthy i found a gentlemen that is going to let me work for him so he can teach me all the ropes, hes an old timer that is already retired and just does it because he loves airplanes. Everytime ive talked to him he mentions retiring for real and moving away, so im hoping i can slide into his place and buy all of his tools from him and pick up where he will leave off. at this point i expect notihng more than good experience him and to get my name out there a little more. worse case scenario is I make just enough to pay the bills and do something i love, best case scenario is i make enough to quit my day job and do this only... i have thought very long and hard about selling my bike to pay for the overhead needed to get it going if woody should say hey, "you can have all if it tomorrow" but i realized i love my bike and even if i only get it out once every summer or never again until im 50 (that 21 years away) that i cant sell it unless im just that hard up for cash... my bike isnt one you see everyday, but that doesnt make it rare and 'desirable' lol a 750 with 65 HP at the crank is nothing speial even if it has a ducati sticker on it! i have a possible partner and we have a common contact that says he can get us our own FBO (fixed based operation) at a local airport, between the two of us we can do any kind of flight training and maintenance an individual would want!!! FBO would include selling gas/maps/coffee up to fuel, instruction and renting airplanes to people. all we really need is a couple more airplanes and we could start tomorrow.... a long rant and few will probably real all of it, but i feel better having put it all out there!! my old air cooled L twin tractor will always be around!
    1 point
  4. It was a slow pace from the parking lot of circle k until we made a right on 83.
    1 point
  5. Not doubting that many are jealous... Let's get back to you though (before the attempt to divert attention). Remember when you assaulted his cock with your tongue? What happened? Umadbro? Imnotyourbro.bro! Comeatmebro. Dontusebroifyouhaventbeentotheshoreokaybro?
    1 point
  6. my name is tim and i have a 99z28. black with a TTi 60-1 hifi kit
    0 points
  7. Hello, I'm new to the site. My boss told me about the site so I thought I'd check it out. I currently have a 93 Mustang GT. Just sold a 90 GT, so I'm getting ready to restore my current car and the plan is to rebuild the engine and add some HP with a target of around 350. We'll see what happens. Located just outside of Columbus in Carroll, OH. Look forward to surfing the forums.
    -1 points
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