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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/2013 in Posts
Hey Columbus Racing, my name is Andrew I have a 2004 SRT4 that I just parted out and putting back to stock. She made 590hp/540tq and was a blast to drive on the streets and I've enjoyed lots of good times with everyone. Wanted to introduce myself since I already know a lot of people on here along the lines chris lane, phil (dont know if thats a good thing) and many others :burn: http://i1129.photobucket.com/albums/m513/boostacr/68C70048-56EB-4073-BD79-280007F6A006-6041-000002DE1368E7DB.jpg3 points
they're for your vagina to make it light up. you have the model with the LED's, right?2 points
http://www.nbcnews.com/business/economywatch/taxes-are-rising-it-could-have-been-more-painful-1C7800803 My taxes are going up by quite a bit. I'd be totally okay with this if for every dollar they raised taxes they also cut a dollar of spending. But alas, that's not the case. Oh, and we have the debt ceiling fiasco coming up again because our debt is STILL GROWING and our politicians seem incapable of making hard decisions. /rant1 point
I always win... thats joshs "overpriced" gun dont mind me just doing a little nut swinging off joshs nuts1 point
1 point
Here's a good video explaining some things. Sorry if a Dup. Theres also a link to make it easy to write folks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDglpt8hpyg&sns=em1 point
Had someone tell me this the other day. My response was. I lock my house, I lock my gun safe what else am I supposed to do? I am the victim of a crime! If that mother fucker hadnt stolen from me they wouldnt have been used in a crime. Agree1 point
As a resident ORdN Jew, I can assure you that none of what you hear about us is true. We're far worse than that.1 point
1 point
If we are going to get practical about this issue, than we need to get at the heart of both WHY and HOW these people go through mass shootings (mass and high profile shootings are the only thing that get the public riled up, so I think we can restrict it to that). The major response to WHY is that these people are mentally unstable. Our country has a piss poor system of acknowledging, responding and treating mentally ill patients. We have it in our laws that those who are mentally unstable may not have a gun, but how often is that actually used? The media then treats these shooters as famous celebrities; telling you their entire background, when they are going to court next, how they looked in court, did they have compassion, what did they say etc... Someone who is mentally ill with no social network would see this as a way to become famous and would try to 1-up the last person. Can you name 5 total victims from either the batman or CT shootings? Chances are that you can't, but I'm sure the shooters' names are a lot clearer. We have already repeatedly stated and shown in this thread that guns are not the problem. You cannot convince someone that guns are not the problem if they believe they are, instead give them an alternate reason and something else to regulate. People want to do something to prevent shootings, the only thing that comes to most people's mind is laws and regulation, so give them something else to regulate. I would also like to touch on the point that felon =/= bad person. It doesn't mean they are in a gang, it doesn't mean they joined one in prison, it doesn't mean they are violent, it doesn't mean they will commit crimes and it doesn't mean they are irresponsible with firearms. It means they committed a felony, then they served their time and are square with the state. This is a whole different issue of "rehabilitation" and our inability to see those who went to jail as normal people again, which I will not touch on. But lets not group those who committed copyright infringement, vandalism (on federal property) etc. on the same pedestal as violent, repeat offenders.1 point
Why would anyone want to share things of this nature that can clearly draw a fee?1 point
1 point
I found out after I got it that the 40 rounder is illegal so I traded it for a 30 round mag. Don't want anything illegal.1 point
1 point
We've been through this before on here. While actual possession may or may not be illegal, youre trudging a slippery slope because you have the ability to "adapt" your rifle to hold more than 31 rounds" Same concept as an SBR. You cannot have a barrel of less than 16" without having an approved SBR permit if you have all the other parts as well to make a working AR. You can have the barrel less than 16" but you cannot have all the other parts for the AR at the same time. technically if you have a lower and the 16" barrel, they can get you. Yes you can get a permit, and "your" reading of the law doesnt mean anything since you are not an ATF agent, lawyer or LEO who would be enforcing. When are people goign to learn that "your interpretation" of the law means exactly jack shit.1 point
Ya but the 747 was trying to lock in its 3rd and 4th turbojet engines so it was only in 2 jet engine drive.1 point
1 point
grab the whole link in the explorer bar and take off "&feature=youtu.be", don't use the "Share this video" link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmigKT9GEaY1 point
1 point
i went, i saw, i did not conquer. i figured i would buy nothing. the prices were lollerific. nothing like seeing people buy $1500 ARs, then turn around and ask "what kinda bullets they take?"1 point
0 points
I have an autozone vette.. Has the glued on vents and there stage 3 performance package. Spectral cai,k&n oil filter,ngk plugs, hi flow cats, stainless steel vaccum lines, synthetic racing oil, accel coil packs, and dont forget the high output battery.One fast fucking machine yo. Future mods are a complete kuztom neon kit,chrome striping, chrome letters to show everyone I have the "z51" package, add more glue on vents with that kuztom roof scoop, baja amber fog lights to replace my stock. I'm sure I'll be more autozoned out than my fellow vette showin earlier. NOTHING will touch this car after I'm done. Dyno Brian bring on that loud bike with that funny exhaust and cai unit in one. Seriously who does that? I never seen one at autozone so it must be junk-1 points
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