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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/17/2013 in Posts

  1. That's like the super-duper-really-fucking-black-pot calling the kettle black.
    3 points
  2. Thanks John. I love my '96. But id also love a 4 stroke I could super moto out.
    2 points
  3. My 06 R1 Anniversary, aka LMS - Lil Miss Sunshine in her track dress: And my current street bike (that is up for sale) the crossplane '11 R1 - TOW, The Other Woman:
    1 point
  4. Yesterday was tidy Friday and I got a couple group photos of the Kawasakis hiding in my garage: Can you tell I bleed green?
    1 point
  5. Great ride today Dave. 572 miles total for me. I ended up doubling back to Woodsfield then 78w to 83n.
    1 point
  6. The brisket is pretty much ready, I'm keeping it on low heat to keep it warm for a while now. I pulled one of the corners off on accident, and had a taste, and I think it's going to be the best brisket I have done to date! On to the ribs in a couple hours!
    1 point
  7. meh. stop watching news, or watch it objectively and do your own research. study history. the sky is not falling, chicken little.
    1 point
  8. First, there were significant concerns raised beforehand about the security in Benghazi. It may have been due to bad luck, or maybe incompetence on the part of the various agencies that nothing was done. While we don't like it, we are used to this type of performance by government officials. Second, when the thing went down, nothing was done. There were people begging for help and nobody who was in a position to do anything about it could get permission from Washington to move. Our embassy and ambassador were under attack and Obama sat on his ass. This was inexcusable. Third, after the whole mess was over, nobody has been able to get a straight answer about how this was allowed to happen. The administration is just doiing the roper doper waiting for people to forget about this. I find the whole affair disgusting and unfortunately normal for this administration. That anyone could defend this fries my brain. There is no hope for the future if this kind of performance by our government officals is considered accepable.
    1 point
  9. Tech mine was free after I sold the other one I bought
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Me too. I vote for any decent third party person in the hope they get matching funds some day. Otherwise I write in Paris Hilton because hot and stupid is better than just stupid.
    1 point
  12. Very little of the exodus had anything to do with taxes in Detroit. I was there when it started. It started when Detroit's Mayor went on TV and said 'If the white people don't like me they can move out'. We were all WTF, ok cya. It was all racial man, the big hit was in the late 70's and early 80's. The black mayor pretty much declared war on white folk. I may get flamed, but that is what happened. You had to be there, it was amazing.
    1 point
  13. First you dress like a pirate. Then you ride your open pipe hardly to a bar and immediately start drinking beer at oh, 9am. As your 'brothers' show up you can talk about all the time you've spent with them riding in a straight line at 5 under the speed limit. Then you get a route that you either tape to your tank so you can read it, or your back so some gravel-voiced skank with a face made out of beef jerky can read it and scream the directions into your ear over the wind and exhaust noise. When its time to start, you slam down one last beer and don your safety gear, an American flag bandana. Then you follow the route that takes you to five bars. At each bar you drink more beer and pick a card. If you make it to the party at the end, you turn your cards in. Prizes are usually for best poker hand, worst hand, fastest time and ugliest girlfriend. At the party you eat food from crock pots and aluminum roasting pans that's been sitting out for three hours, had countless flies land on it and been touched by every other bikers jackoff hand. You don't care because you've moved onto jack Daniels. Proceed to party down until some guy gets relly drunk and starts a fight. During the confusion, run out with all the cookies and go home.
    1 point
  14. Ohhhh, easy there. I wax the crap out of my Duc and know how to ride it. I've got over 21,000 miles on my sportclassic, It's been ridden to Sparta NC, Lynchburg VA and just about everywhere you can go in Ohio. I have done 2 track days on it, one at Mid-Ohio and one at Barber. The amazing part of the entire thing is I have gotten 2 awards for my bike also. One at Barber for best sounding 2V Duc and the other out at Indy moto-gp last year for a Judges choice award. It also made the centerfold photospread in the Cafe-Racer magazine for Mid-Ohio vintage days last year. Come on man, You know there is a clean freek like that in you somewhere.
    1 point
  15. MV Agusta 2006 Brutale 910s Power commander PCIII Arrow thunder exhaust and some carbon fiber eventually.
    1 point
  16. From my latest trip last week. From C-Bus out to Eureka Springs Arkansas and back, 2100 miles in 6 days on my 2006 Sprint ST 1050. And yes I had gloves. I took them off so I could hand over the camera and be able to get it back in my tank bag after the picture was taken.
    1 point
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