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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/2014 in all areas

  1. Guilty or not, I don't really give a fuck...because if that happened to me, I wouldn't want to live. You could just go ahead and stone me to death, or leave me in a hot car...without my son, I wouldn't really give a fuck.
    3 points
  2. Hi, I'll try to keep this short, My name is John, 50 yrs old. this is my 1125R Buell. http://s1270.photobucket.com/user/mrlogix/media/IMG_20140524_190913_zps126106ff.jpg.html http://s1270.photobucket.com/user/mrlogix/media/IMG_20140524_190857_zps252c39f7.jpg.html First bike I've had (other than a ZX600 I bought and had for a month. (bought cheap, resold high) in 25 yrs. Born gearhead, stayed that way until life happened. Wife, kids, bills. Wife passed away in March from cancer (she knew, didn't tell us), Kids all grown. Don't know what I want to do with the rest of my life. USMC 79'-85'. E-5, 5811 2yrs, 0311 3 1/2 yrs. Certified Instructor of CQB Pistol. CCW through Advanced. Chief Range Safety Officer. Met some of you last weekend at the Cars and Coffee meet. http://www.buellxb.com/Buell-XB-Forum/Group-Buell-Motorcycle-Meetings/Ohio-buellers-and-the-quest-for-Crome http://www.buellxb.com/Buell-XB-Forum/Buell-1125R/Columbus-Racers I am Mrlogix on that forum. Can I come play with you guys (and gals too)? Please?
    2 points
  3. Mattm should open all his posts with "ahhhllahllahllahllahllahllahllahllahllahllahllahllahllah". Properly announce the jihad on casper-links, open carry, conspiracies and religion.
    2 points
  4. http://i1270.photobucket.com/albums/jj604/mrlogix/IMG_20140524_190857_zps252c39f7.jpg Please stand by while we sort out my stupidity TAADAA! I'm a Marine, I only have to be told one...one...one hundred and fifty two times. lol.
    1 point
  5. well played shoei. finally found a way to sell $500 helmets to pirates
    1 point
  6. For Jbot. ahhhllahllahllahllahllahllahllahllahllahllahllahllahllah
    1 point
  7. Heres what I can tell you. I picked up a wr250x a few weeks ago. I've logged a couple hundred miles on it since I picked it up. First off, I love it. I love the weight and nimbleness.I love the fuel injection. I love that it makes power higher in the RPMs. It loves to be revved. I've not ridden a 250R but I'd assume its similar. If you want stump pulling power, you may want to go with something bigger. The power reminds me of a 2 stroke almost in a sense. My WR isn't 100% stock. It has a full FMF system ( power bomb header and power core muffler) FMF programmer, AIS removed, and the air box flapper is removed. It will cruise comfortably on the highway at 70-75 no problem. Just make sure you plan your passes accordingly. I'm also running stock gearing. I feel it could be dropped down a tooth up front. I've had the X off road a tiny bit, and this is where I feel it could be brought down a tooth. It doesn't lug around in 1st and 2nd gear very well. I believe my biggest complaint is the tiny fuel tank. Every time I leave the house, I have to head straight to the gas station.
    1 point
  8. And keep saving up the coin for maintenance and repairs.
    1 point
  9. waste of a thread. who would steal that thing anyways
    -2 points
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