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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/29/2014 in all areas

  1. Hello, I am Evan and it looks like I will be moving to the columbus area in late september. I am currentlu in Billings montana, but spend quite a bit of time in Boise Idaho as well. I was excited to be directed here from the ohioriders forum as I joined there to try and find you guys. I will be in town this weekend looking for a place to live so figured I would post up here early in the event anything was going on. As for vehicles, I currently own 1990 honda accord http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x52/ghetto-thirdworld/6d7d64dd-68b3-48c2-9842-4b352d1192bd.jpg 1986 toyota cressida http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x52/ghetto-thirdworld/ec24c2c6-27b9-43a4-a6bb-0cef7f7404ef.jpg 1989 gz20 toyota soarer (still on the boat at the time this was posted) http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x52/ghetto-thirdworld/01w.jpg I will post any requested pictures and obviously do full build threads once I have access to the my rides section of the forum. thanks for looking also please ignote the mybb code the image section I coppied from a post on ohiorides since im on my phone at the airport.
    5 points
  2. Jason and I were featured as guests on the Armed Squirrels podcast. We answered some questions about the company and where we are planning on taking it. Plus we talked about what sets us apart from others out there. Enjoy! http://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/3036521
    2 points
  3. I don't know anything about the hymen birth stat quoted, but I've tried multiple rape cases with child victims, I have questioned sexual assault nurse examiners in court; and Todd is pretty much dead-on with regard to the lack of physical evidence. To go one step further, I would wager you're all limiting your analysis of the facts to your own preconceived definitions of rape. I'm not going to dig up Louisiana law, but Ohio's rape statute covers any "sexual contact" with another person (not one's spouse) when that contact occurs by force, threat of force, while the victim is impaired by drugs/alcohol, or under various ages. Sexual contact to satisfy said offense wouldn't have to be what you're all likely picturing: As for forensic evidence, unless someone is taking the victim to have a rape kit done in a reasonable amount of time after a sexual assault, there likely isn't much to go on. Even then, it can be attacked. Real life is a lot different than CSI.
    2 points
  4. Rep for the post above. However, I do feel the need to point out that the comment below is somewhat inaccurate. The wealthy actually benefit less than the average taxpayer re: infrastructure. More so with regard to transfer payments. The more wealthy you are, the less likely you are to use public facilities such as airports, etc. They travel by private jet, have private security, pay to register multiple cars but only drive one at a time, travel only rarely via the interstate, and so forth. But again, your comment above is well taken. We need more than two political party but our current federal elections "infrastructure" and media culture won't allow it. Best example is Gary Johnson - he might have filleted Obama and Romney in the debates, or not, but never got the chance. Probably never will.
    2 points
  5. Now, I should apologize as well - reading my post again this morning, it's clear I'm less than unbiased, indeed the current tax code is F'd up, and it causes businesses to adapt in unintended ways. Maybe someday the public discourse won't be so polarized and we can come to a series of rational, step-by-step simplifications...?
    2 points
  6. Why does this sound familiar?
    1 point
  7. I'd be some sort of habanero cheese. Doesn't hurt initially, but reams you a new asshole in the morning.
    1 point
  8. I feel so ashamed....I found a baggie of bacon in my refrigerator that had gone bad....
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Smarter people than all of us can't figure this one out either. Obstain? Innocents die, they grow powerful, Isreal is destroyed, US is in jeopardy. Invade? Who do we replace the current regimes with? The only thing the unsettled populace reasons with is fear. Then replacing bad with worse. I can't even begin to armchair quarterback this one.
    1 point
  11. I appreciate the rep point, thanks man, and I totally agree with you about the 2-party system. I'm thoroughly disgusted by the lack of shared ownership and accountability our current political pair has created. I at first was excited about the Tea Party's potential to shake everyone up in that regard, but became repulsed by what I think is a divisively constitutional-literalist tenor, so maybe that's why I can barely stop myself. It'll now be years before another opportunity comes along to re-merge the discourse. Just to split hairs though, private jets more often use the thousands of rarely-used community airports funded by federal and state grants as well as local taxes. Sure, there are fuel taxes and sometimes a landing fee, but those are minuscule compared to the staggering cost of maintaining tarmac, approach beacons, hangars and so on (this coming from a private pilot who myself also benefits from those things). Perhaps the wealthy don't directly use highways as much, but their businesses do for ground transport. Those businesses are also far more dependent upon public water and sewage and having safe, healthy, educated workers available (thus emergency response, health care and schools). That's what the prez meant when he said that businesses aren't just built by themselves - there is an operating environment they depend upon. Try opening a boutique candle store in Somalia. Of course, the public also benefits greatly from (non-parasitic) businesses, so it's entirely unfair to depict businesses simply as users. They generate jobs, stimulate credit markets (most of us can't pay cash for a house), uplift the quality of life and so much more. That's what's usually lost on the far left. The uproar about tax inversions is as much emotional and political as anything, sure. That's because it plays against the American notion of fairness and heck, even patriotism. It's hard for me to describe a company that loves this country in the same breath while describing how they moved their headquarters to reduce their tax obligation to the public that makes this great land available for business.
    1 point
  12. Because they want an Islamic State. It's right in their name. They happened to go after the low-hanging fruit with the Sunni bloc that was being disenfranchised by the current Iraqi government, they sure as hell didn't want to fight for Maliki so they immediately surrendered and accepted ISIS rule. The Kurds to the NE and the Syrians, on the other hand, is a completely different story. The Kurds know with the power vacuum that this is basically the closest they've gotten to self-sufficiency in quite a long time, so when you have the "barbarians at the door" in the form of ISIS, the Peshmerga wanted to set an example that they are not to be fucked with, and I believe have done so. Not going to happen. Syria is a Russian ally, and there's lots of Russian assets in the country. If we were really going to clean house, we would have done it when we had the international backing following the chemical weapons attacks.
    1 point
  13. Thank you, the accord has seen better days, college years did a number on the chassis which now has some rust The cressida is super clean externally (it has no interior), especially for what I paid for it, and I guess we will see about the soarer once it gets stateside lol
    1 point
  14. What I'm about to write will more than likely end up closing this thread. He wasn't a member on this site. He drove a car that 99% of the members here look up to and would love to have. Let alone, when you see one on the road, it has all of your attention. If by going with what Scotty's parents saw, and then adding "So he was dicking off", where is this even going anymore? I think most here are pretty glad no other car were involved. So if the guy was getting on it, and that's how he went out, good job making it a solo incident and living a little. It's too late to cover the right and wrong of it. All we can do it learn from it and hope, as members here, we don't do something just like this. This is a very likely situation that many members here would find themselves in. I think what many were waiting to hear, was if there was drugs or alcohol as an influence. If there was, we feel better calling him a jackass and thinking we would never do something dumb, like him. But now, it would seem, he simply may have over drove the car. Who hasn't ever done that? Comments like "He was over his head with that Viper", is that suppose to be funny about him being decapitated? There are too many things supporting this was a good guy who had a bad day. CR had a member die in an accident years ago. It was very hard for many to deal with losing a great member to this site. Let's not forget the one's who know this guy, and are probably going through the same thing.
    1 point
  15. That blasted WR will hopefully be out of your hair soon. Lol.
    1 point
  16. Ridgeline drives like a car, 4 door, gets 20mpg, awd, has a bed, has a storage compartment under the bed, roomy back seat area, and can be had for a decent price.
    1 point
  17. A crazy ex is involved so I'm not inclined to buy into the official story.
    1 point
  18. if i scroll fast enough its like a 1914 youtube cool pics 4real though
    1 point
  19. It insulates the pipes, keeping more-ish heat inside and less-ish heat outside. Adds less hp than stickers but more than fake carbon fiber.
    1 point
  20. Wish I knew this stuff. I'd be in
    -1 points
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