Well have I got a deal for you! I live in a 2 bed/ 2.5 bath apartment in Dublin on the Columbus NW side. I'm relocating to Chandler, AZ starting basically next week. Unfortunately, my roommate and I are stuck in our lease until August. Basically I'm looking for someone to take out my portion of the lease for June, July and August. My half of the rent is $400 and my half of the gas, electric and intrAwebz is another ~$100. So you can live in the world famous House o' Tomato for around $500 a month! I'm posting this here and not Craigslist because my roommate is also one of my best friends and I don't want to sell my half out to a pig. We are both very clean/ smoke free individuals and I think you would be hard pressed to find a better roommate than the one I have. If you are interested or would like more information please call me at 614-357-6292. If you want specifics on my community please reference: http://www.lakeviewsquareapts.com/