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Everything posted by tomato_racing

  1. Good question, I guess I forgot to post it. The date is April 17th and it is out in Las Vegas as part of the Triathlon on the same day.
  2. but I figured I would at least spread the word that I'm going to be participating in a charity poker run for my employer in April. I work for Safelite Solutions that was purchased last year by Belron US. Understanding that our buyers have supported this cause for quite a few years I wanted to lend a hand to help out, after doing some research. Please visit my page if you are at all interested, but please don't let this detract from any charities that I know OR has already organized. http://firstgiving.com/justincardwell Please feel free to PM me with any questions and thank you in advance for your consideration! -Justin
  3. That I think I'll be in a little better standing with. I've heard a few people on WERA with AETNA and there were not any issues. The only thing that concerns me is that I saw 'Motorcycle accident on a Race Track' on the report...
  4. I don't have auto insurance on the bike because my agent specifically told me that they wouldn't cover it. I argued the point last year that it's none competitive-- advanced rider training blah blah blah and they weren't having it. I knew if I put insurance back on the bike this year they would nail me for insurance fraud if I tried to do anything about claiming the bike.
  5. Can't work on it until I get parts for it. I just got off the phone with my health insurance and let's just say I'm glad I get a bonus from work this month. out of pocket max here I come!!!!!! CT scans are not all their cracked up to be...
  6. Yea sweet pics but I think the bike is beyond my repair. Every time I look at it I find something else major that will need repair. Unfortunately I took the gamble of turning my street bike that I still owe money on into a track bike that my insurance won't cover. So far it looks like its gonna need: new wheels front and rear, triple clamps, forks, rear sub frame, new tank and cover, new swing arm, clip ons, fairing stay and that's without having taken anything off the bike. EPIC FAIL
  7. Bike is a little further from repair than I thought, but I'll be back on the saddle as soon as I can be. As far as my health, KawiGuy can probably attest to my poor memory as of late. I seem to be having trouble remembering short term things but the paper work I got from the hospital says that should go away over the next week or so. I'm probably most upset about the fact that I just got the plastics back from the painter on Thursday only to destroy them on Monday. I haven't decided how I'm going to break the news to him yet. I think the forks might be bent and the subframe is tweaked as well. On a lighter note, the bike can be fixed... I cannot. I can't wait to get back out there! EDIT: I forgot to mention I was snoring when then came and put me on the stretcher and when I finally came back to I told them George Bush was the president. lol
  8. Do want. I love this setup but it's just a little too pricey for me. I'll stick to my new straps
  9. There are actually two, sealer indeed from how they paved the track. It takes some getting used to but is nothing to be scared of!
  10. Hoblick does this? I'm on it Josh! Hoblick is cool at F&*k
  11. This is the one you already signed up for right?
  12. I'd love to watch but I'll be in out of town... Riding.
  13. Good call thanks! I'm assuming if I have a class that runs from 8:30-10:50 then it's canceled?
  14. For a limited time only I'll throw in two-- YES TWO ZJs to go along with the tires. (sexual favors to said member to be completed by Dubguy)
  15. I am a beer behind you...
  16. BUMP! I missed your post-- sorry I'll get lengths tomorrow
  17. Does anyone have this that I can borrow for about 10 minutes? I tried to download the software off the website, but my computer didn't like it. I was going to try again today but it looks like their site is down for maintence. Any help is appreciated! 614 357 6292 -Justin
  18. Why on earth does it look like the pictures were taken on film and then scanned?
  19. So if Nesba gets half a session in and determines that it's unfit to ride do you get the credit?
  20. Roush hooked it up! Great selection and even better customer service. I highly recommend them.
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