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Everything posted by f4isvt

  1. I am going to stir the pot,make it stink, and the run away cause thats what I do. But minus debris from the wreck the section of road in the picture looks pretty clean to me and not littered with shit all over the road. Okay I think it smells enough I am running away.
  2. f4isvt


    http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/METZELER-SPORTEC-M3-120-180-COMBO-PAIR-5MOTORCYCLE-TIRES_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ72Q3a1205Q7c66Q3a2Q7c65Q3a12Q7c39Q3a1Q7c240Q3a1318Q7c301Q3a0Q7c293Q3a1Q7c294Q3a50QQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem270322839812QQitemZ270322839812QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories I bought my metzeler m3's from these guys. Great service and free shipping. Unless you are close enough to them they are in delaware ohio!
  3. It was some good fights I fail though. I called mir, rampage, and griffin to lose. I got one right. Rampage knocked wanderlie (SP?) out cold
  4. its showing in dayton and we got shit loads of alchol if you wanna come down
  5. id love to expired tags says no though.
  6. Yeah probably going to watch "sugar" Evans knock griffin out. I am calling, mir,jackson, and griffin all lose.
  7. 05 f4i wheels swingarm forktubes engine cases ane possibly frame if I can get the courage to do that to my bike. Ill try and get you some pics. Oh yeah all of it black as black can be.
  8. You do a hella job with the powder coating. You got a pricing sheet?
  9. Is the ufc fight going to be on this may be my deciding factor.
  10. not really live in beavercreek we can work something out let me know what works for you
  11. Yeah Ill trade you straight up for them. My left side one needs a little cleaning but my right side one is in perfect shape I only run one mirror. No damage to either one.
  12. I have my stock f4i mirrors. Do you have a pic of the carbon mirrors.
  13. Dont have a pic handy Ill try to get one don't think it will be much help. I think f4i's were supposed to come stock with hids the spot inbetween the intake tube is perfect for two ballasts.
  14. I cut holes in my caps and ran some rtv gasket maker around the wires to ensure water tight seal. My ballasts are mounted to my front fairing not completely exposed to the elements but not completely sheltered either. I have had 0 problems in the last 2 years.
  15. You suck. I wish I had cool inlaws mine are whacked ass morons.
  16. that and snap on and mac's wrenches are longer
  17. Well worth the coin. Best thing I have ever bought for my bike.
  18. 1/4 and 3/8 got the fair share of use in my shop. I say just pick one and buy what the other is missing. Def stay away from snapon and mac they make a good quality tool but its not worth the price of sears. There are a few things they make better but the majority of my box is all craftsman.
  19. I only get new years and christmas day off yay. Being flat rate is going to suck ass the next few weeks.
  20. f4isvt

    Guns and Deer

    6 pointer, a spike buck and a doe were takenby me and my buddies. We saw about 10 deer but either had no clear shot or to far away.
  21. I am not a good arguer because I loss my temper very badly and just yell anything that comes to mind. Last time me and my wife argued I called her a fucking dip shit or something along those lines then she threw the time warner remote at me.
  22. Yeah cant wait to see it. Looks even better than the other ones and they were kick ass.
  23. I dont hibernate in the winter just drink heavily (more so than the summer) You should really end it all brad and get that expensive as chrome paint job.
  24. apparently looney tunes had it wrong the should have used mud instead of a finger to fill the barrel.
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