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The King

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Everything posted by The King

  1. Sorry, that does not guarantee anything. Unions try to get into businesses that have happy employees all the time. Just like communism, it only workswhen everyone is involved... AND, the more company's they add, the more dues they recieve. The UAW is constantly picketing our plant...and we don't make cars..
  2. No, not rich nor a golfer. I am tired of people like you making absurd assumptions about jobs that you know nothing about? Have you been a CEO? Have you run a company?
  3. Well that settles it......
  4. Has anyone ever met a poor person who wasn't lazy? Has anyone ever met a poor person who wasn't abusing drugs or alchohol? Yeah, sounds as stupid as what you posted.
  5. I wonder what the market will do tomorrow?
  6. I bet she has made a deal... Secretary of State? or Nomination to the Supreme Court.......
  7. As Duke said....."knowing is half the battle"
  8. Neither, I have always supported a flat tax... I loath the entire idea of income redistribution. Obama is going to win, and it has occured pretty much the way I assumed it would. He has promised to make it all better... And I hope he does....... I sincerely hope he is succesful and he will have my initial support..
  9. I don't hate Obama.. I don't care if it is 1%, why should they be punished?
  10. Only an uneducated moron would believe that people who disagree with their point of view are dumb....
  11. The economy is where it is because too many unqualified people were being given mortgages that they never could afford. See the Clinton admins efforts to lower the standards of Fannie and Freddy See the Bush admins failed attempts to change these policies in 2003...attempts shot down by Barney Frank...
  12. Congrats Thats the dumbest statement I have seen on the internet in a long time... I'm sure you are just out there doing all you can but being kept down by the man....
  13. yeah, your right....its punishing the rich and small business owners..
  14. +1 I'll never understand why it is ok to punish a group of people for being succesful..
  15. It was probably the endorsment of the Assfaultjunkies that put Obama over the top..
  16. I think it's Barry.....and I don't think it will be that close...
  17. The Mille did win the Masterbike...
  18. As much as I loved my 955i, I sold it to get back to a V-twin....
  19. Really.... How about a hint...
  20. Aprilia's are great, mine was pretty much bulletproof. DO NOT BUY FROM HINDS. Try Aprilia of Wooster...
  21. I miss my 00 TL1000R... and...
  22. No, the Brits asked us to help reinstate the Shah of Iran, who was deposed by his son. We didn't put the Taliban in power, however, we would have been on their side in their fight with the Soviets, but there is no proof that we ever aided the Taliban.
  23. WRONG Where did you read this history? The British set up a monarchy in Iraq called the Heshemite's, they were overthrown in a coup and SH later came to power. We were only his ally durring the Iran/Iraq war. A war in which the Iranian's backed by the Russians would have gained control of the majority of the worlds oil. Hussein was a Hitler, and we should have "removed" him after the first Gulf War.
  24. Have you read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? American citizens can be Muslim.....what gives you the right to decide who is and isn't an American citizen? The First Amendment Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
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