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Posts posted by jarvismb

  1. I suggested it to my friend who has a 09 WRX, and he informed me that it would break it... so sad that such a car is so easily broken. :dunno:

    The engineer is confused. How is this different from any car whose center diff is permanently in limited slip mode? If any car cannot instantly open its center diff upon e-brake assertion, then it would have the same issue. This is not some concept unique to Subaru, and therefore WRXs. It's not sad, it simply is the basic design nature of any fixed LSD. Shit, you can burn up any fixed front/rear/center LSD if you manage to lock one side of the output and apply power for too long.

    Are you saying Subaru is the only company to ever save money on a basic 4-wd car by having certain models with and certain models without a full-blown computer controlled DCCD?

  2. this thread makes me miss having a fun "sporty" car.

    i'll have to buy one before I get married.

    You've got some time, don't fret.


    rear dif is definitely a weak spot on the base WRX, supposedly not as much with the STI

    I have a handful of metal bits that agree.

    • Upvote 2
  3. IMHO, the 2006 STi was the last year of the "good" STi's.

    Less engine failures, better front control arms, nicer interior than previous and post 08+ models, etc...

    If I had the cash, I'd buy a clean 02-03 WRX and build it with a 04 STi 6 speed, and a JDM Ver big heads engine. 400 WHP with an 8k RPM redline.

    That would be a hoot!

    This is kind of the idea behind mine. It's a base '07 WRX with an '04 STi engine/trans/DCCD swapped in. Slap on a FMIC and a GT3076R (which is now the second one, thank you coolant leak) and you can pump out some decent numbers for a little ~3100lb car.

    It's as fun as you'd think it would be.

    (side note: if you've ever thought about upping the power on your WRX but not upgrading the rear differential, figuring "fuck it....it can take the power, right?" I have some sheared spider gears I'd love to show you :D)

  4. Love the subbie. Well done.

    I have a jacked up 2007 WRX with an STi drivetrain swap that I got from a guy on here a couple years ago. I've done a lot of engine work to it since I got it (which will happen when you blow up a turbo and a rear differential), and I love it. Thing is a monster for a 4-banger. We need a new tune for it, but it should be kicking out anywhere between 430-450 at the crank. With 4-wheel drive, it's just damn fun to flog around. For the money, there isn't much more fun to be had in a car, at least in my opinion.

    Good choice. I'll try to post up pics of mine if I ever get them, so it'll be in good company in this thread. It also has the sleeper look you guys were talking about, where there's no wing or anything on it. Fun times.

  5. Well, fucking Kodak just closed our model shop, so it looks like this will not happen any time soon. Thanks for answering my questions and giving me some suggestions though, it was a fun design. If the opportunity to make it ever comes up again, I'll post up pics of the product.

    Too bad, I was gonna make some flash suppressors too...


  6. This really is a crazy deal, I'm blown away you still have this too.

    It obviously goes without saying that I'd own this already if my marriage wouldn't be fatally compromised by doing so. Whoever gets this bike is going to start out this season right and have lot of quality track time in tow.

    I'm dying to hear this stays in the OR family just so a deal like this goes to someone who will appreciate what they got.

  7. I crowned the inlet bore on a new baffle model and realized if I did it this way, I could use both in any combination I wanted. You can see both types (crowned and uncrowned) on the "table" next to the sectioned assembly. The section shows the crown profile on the first baffle.

    Now I'm thinking the crowned baffle is a better design.


  8. neato! what machine are you going to use? do you write code or generate with cam? are you good with mills? how about 5 axis? WANT A FUCKING JOB?

    I'm going to use a solidworks plug-in to write the tooling paths. I'm learning as I go, so I'll let you know more as soon as I do. I'm an electrical engineer, but I had some time, so I knew nothing about modeling. I just spent a week teaching myself solidworks because we have it at work. Now I make all of my pcb enclosures if they need to be custom, and a bunch of models for fun. It was a useful thing to learn, so I gave it a shot.

    Since I'm not formally educated on this, you don't want me working on anything you really need done professionally. I'm not any good at this, it's just that the physics and structure of a suppressor are so simple that it makes it look like I know more than I do. I bet there are people on this site that could destroy me in this stuff.

  9. This is bored for 223/556, and is currently modeled/spec'd for a common AR15 threaded barrel. I've read about that first round pop being an issue with blast chamber designed chambers, and I have no desire to go into active oxygen displacement, so for me it was a design choice between first round pop and general baffle longevity. Just a design choice like any other. I realize this is by no means the ultimate suppressor with bleeding edge tech, it's just a design that would be effective and importantly for me, much more feasible to build with accessible tools.

    I've looked up normal tolerances with CNC lathing, so the design is spec'd to allow minimum wall spacing within machining tolerance, and with tight wall fittment along with the annular ledge cut into the blast chamber, the k-baffles should be concentric and aligned to within +/-0.005 just by design.

    I was going to play around with adding a conical crown to the entry bore of each baffle to give it a longer life, maybe I'll render and assemble one like that to see how it plays out. If I do it right, I should be able to insert either kind of baffle without any effect on the fitment of the assembly.

    Let me see what I can come up with, but in the mean time, so you think the blast chamber is too big to 223?

  10. Perfect, thanks guys (and obviously flounder).

    I did a lot of reading and it's just like you said, I just want to see if I can do it. The results will be nice to shoot with, obviously, but it's as much an engineering challenge as anything else.

    There are tons of different ways to do them, but I opted for a modular k-baffle system since it would be easy to make with a CNC lathe. I also really like the fact that k-baffles are self-spacing and therefore do not require alternating rings and spacers. Also I can easily change my solidworks models by 0'75" for every additional k-baffle I want to install if I find I want more expansion chambers. Just need to change the sleeve length and everything is golden. I used the same bore diameter ratios that YHM uses as a starting point since I found they are more conservative with their bore relief than others.

    I added a large blast-chamber as the primary expansion zone to save the baffles from being eaten alive when used in this configuration. The k-baffles rest of a ledge machined into the end of this chamber.

    I also designed the system to be serviced with only two 1/8" spanner wrenches. Should be easy to change baffles or clean out and easy to reassemble. You can see that stackup in the picture below, and I added a section view to make it easier to see the fitment and threading.



  11. Quick question to you more educated firearms folks (you're all criminals, btw); as I've read through the atf.gov site, it seems that if I want to manufacture my own suppressor, all I need is to pay the $200 tax stamp with a Form 1 and wait for the results. Do I have this right?

    I'm a bored engineer with access to great software and great machining tools, so I have a design all set to go. I just need to know if I go through with it, I'm doing everything legally and properly. I tried to do my homework before I blindly asked my favorite forum, but now I just want a second opinion on my research.

    As always, thanks in advance (probably to flounder), and I can only hope this becomes an open-carry, SHTF, bug-out, zombie fecal-fest by the third post.

  12. I'm kinda surprised that people are surprised by this. When I sign up for a Kroger Plus card, I assume that this is obviously what they're doing with it. I'm not an idiot, why wouldn't they do this? And on the flip side, I know I'm a creature with comfortable habits, so why wouldn't I want someone to just figure them out and give me coupons for the things I know I'm gonna buy already, and not have to go looking for them?

    If I ever really cared, I would go pay cash for something without my plus card. Not a big deal. TO be honest, most of this shit is kind of obvious if a person would just be observant as well. Not like the computer is doing some magical thing people can't do on their own if they just took the time. As for the dad in that story, computers can see a lot when they don't have denial or invested emotions telling them there's nothing to see here...

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