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Posts posted by DLN1223

  1. She made a comment the other day she'd like a purple sportbike if she was going to start riding with me.

    If anyone sees anything let me know.

    Not really sure what I'm looking for, I know not much help.

    She just said a Deep Purple Sport Bike.

  2. Found this online

    Seeing if anyone's interested in doing it.



    Join us Sunday, June 21 for the Cincinnati Center for Autism Charity Bike Ride to Kentucky Speedway. Ride Starts at 11:00 am at Kings Island, winds through SE Indiana and ends at Kentucky Speedway where you get 3 laps on the track!!!!!!!!!! This is the last chance to visit the Speedway before they close to add more seating for a Cup race. We have a police escort, safety riders and support cars to assist all participants and to secure a safe & enjoyable ride. Cost is $25 per motorcycle-whether you have a rider or not. After ride party at the Speedway featuring Dallas Moore, The Sonny Moorman Band and others. Join us for Cincinnati's premier Spring Ride-you won't want to miss this one.

    You may sign up at any of the local bike events (please visit our booth) and local HD Dealers or online at www.cincinnaticenterforautism.com. You may also sign up on the day of the event. We accept all major credit cards. All proceeds go to the Center's scholarship program for families in need of money for treatment for their child with autism.

  3. I dont know what the lap top had on it but it was for his work so I would figure it had some info on it? And the neighborhood kids think I am crazy already, from me walking in and out to go to the range with all my guns. The parents don't seem to like it to much though?! I bet they are wondering what is in all those black tactical cases with the mag pockets on the outside?!! LOL Heck I think I might open carry the next time I cut the grass, until I can get my ccw thats all I can do anyways.

    I can't speak for State Farm, but when I was with AMFAM no information was stored on the local unit. You had to log in to the network with username and password. It also required an 8 digit digital key. In order to get it you had to type your personal pin in a little "token" device that would generate the required numbers, was never the same number twice.

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