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Posts posted by DLN1223

  1. As long as the weather holds I'm going out for a bit.

    I really just want to cruise for a bit.

    I get off work at 3 then will prob go out about 3:30 - 3:45ish.

    Like to ride for a bit and grab some grub.

    Can't stay out to long, got the drive in tonight with the fam.

  2. almost what do you need to be 100%, for him to hit on you?

    Can't pm for like 700 minutes haha. Anyways I'm at work until 10pm tonight, feel free to shoot me a text if ya want since I can't reply to pms for like the rest of the day haha.


    :D Already solved....

  3. i know derrick, but if it makes you feel better, next time ill give you a head start so you can FINALLY win

    and whats up with the "Custom Dust Paint Job 750"?

    My shits all dusty its up on the stand and I havent been on it in awhile......

    That and my temps expire on 06/09/09 yay

  4. I'd like my 10 minutes back please.

    Wow you watched the whole video......I'm sorry :(

    It is a rather boring piece unless you enjoy watching people moan about how nothing is ever their thought, and question why you're doing your job. That and wonder if it's excessive to have three cruisers at a traffic stop. Nevermind that you yourself involved the city government and upper brass in the department to focus their attention on you and your buddy getting the same treatment any normal citizen would have done to them.

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