Many many moons ago I too was into show cars You jump in this board all loud n shit making all kinds of noise your truck seems to me is a nice start to a show truck.I have a few questions for you.
What other stuff you have done to that truck? a show truck is more than airbags and rims."My truck is a show truck. It is fully airbagged (if you know what that is). " Fully air bags as opposed to half air bagged you want a cookie?
What shows do you goto?(I have never seen your truck and if I did I can't remember it)
Whats your highest place and what show was it?(Please leave out Billy Bob's Tater stand annual Cars against cock cancer 1st place or Hey Im the only truck in my class that showed up trophy type car show I'm talking about a show were there was a national magazine or something special about the show like any ITB shows that are around the midwest)
I hang w/ a alot of people who are into the show car stuff and like I said I too use to play around in the car show shit so I'm kinda curious to see your answers.